How can I do in order that Virtuemart 2 urls like index.php?option=com_virtuemart&error=404&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=57 are not SEF??
This urls are generated by Virtuemart when you access a product is eliminated or despublish. This happens due we have product pages that are cached by Google, then we despublish the product (coz we don´t sell it anymore) and when searching on Google it shows it on his results and when clicking VM is redirecting to the correct category where the product was showing it doesn´t exist more + it´s 404 message.
The problem is that this url with the &error=404 it´s stored by JoomSef and then it´s meta-tags are showed in this page instead the ones of the URL withouht the variable &error=404
Finally the caused issue it´s bad SEO for this URLs that are generated with the error=404
Thanks for your help!!! :)
Best regards,