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Exporting And Purging Meta Info and Aliases
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TOPIC: Exporting And Purging Meta Info and Aliases

Exporting And Purging Meta Info and Aliases 12 years, 9 months ago #29934

I have been adding Meta Info, PageTitles and alises to my URLs via the JoomSEF plugin.
I do not see a way to export a backup - is this possible? (i see an import, but no export)

If I Purge SEF URLs and clear the cache. Will all the info I have added to Meta & Alises be deleted and I need to start again, or would this be saved anywhere?

Again I have read the relevant sections in the manual, but am still unsure and wanted to ask before doing anything.

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Re: Exporting And Purging Meta Info and Aliases 12 years, 9 months ago #29955

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
You can export SEF URLs with their meta tags and sitemap parameters - just use the JoomSEF's URLs Manager, select or filter the URLs you want to export and in the toolbar choose the Export action in the second select box, and then click the Proceed button. However Aliases are not currently exported.

In JoomSEF 3, if you purge the URLs they will be only moved to Trash, so all their meta tags and aliases are preserved. Clearing the cache doesn't affect URLs stored in database.
ARTIO Support Team
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