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user login redirect
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TOPIC: user login redirect

user login redirect 15 years, 5 months ago #8161


with JoomSEF v3.3.4 users can't login.
changin page base href value in joomsef plugin to Always use base url, has no effect.

I tried to see if it worked with normal joomla SEF and it does, so it is a problem with JoomSEF.

Any ideas?

Order No. 5602
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Re:user login redirect 15 years, 5 months ago #8166

  • jaku
There might be a problem in the login module or the URL set after redirection. Which login module are you using?
And what exactly happens?
What is your site base URL and where should the user be forwarded after loging-in?
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Re:user login redirect 15 years, 5 months ago #8174

Hi Jan,

I'm using signallogin by rockettheme.

the web is here

I don't want a redirect to, the root yet, but with joomSEF I get it. With regular joomla SEF the user logs in and isn't redirected.
Also, the user is getting redirected but still doesn't log in. When I go back in my browser it doesn't show as I were logged in like in normaly does.

In the Artio joomSEF plugin I thought the Set page base href value would do something, but it doesn't change no matter the option.

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Re:user login redirect 15 years, 5 months ago #8175

  • jaku
Dear Alice,

I am afraid this may be some problem related to the RocketTheme login module. Their modules are known to be problematic sometimes, because they do not always adhere to Joomla coding standards. (we had a similar case here: which was related to VirtueMart category module by RocketTheme; also not acting as supposed with SEO on, because the coder was simply ignorant to Joomla API rules)

We can try to check and fix that problem for you, but we would need to make the debugging directly at your site to able to see, what exactly is happening during the login process through this module.
That would be however considered a paid support, so we would ask you to purchase a support time for this. If you are interested, please, send email to Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript .

You can of course also switch back to default Joomla login module, where this is confirmed to work fine.
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