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This is not the way you should treat your customer
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TOPIC: This is not the way you should treat your customer

This is not the way you should treat your customer 14 years ago #20706

Being Artio customer in 3 years and handling 16 clients whom also are paying customers, I think I reached the limit about how to be treated here by a moderator called "Jan".

I did post 3 times here in this thread about an issue that even one Artio support team member called unsolved:

Here is some summary from the thread. After a question from user Alvok:

Part of the problem resolved, but at the end of the URLs appears /blog.html. Tell me please, how do I remove this?

The Artio support member David answers with this:

In Content extension parameters you may set the "Add layout to URL" option to "Never", but it causes problems on some websites. Unfortunately, this hasn't been solved yet.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team

I have the same problem and after Davids answer I post questions about when this unsolved problem will be solved.

Now with very unpleasent tone and manner the moderator Jan is closing that tread and asking me to read the forum properly!!!!!!!

I run one of sweden's largest IT-blog and have been working as project manager and consultant in 13 years. Handling customers is something that I value alot. I have had several phone contact with the Artio support team on behalf of clients that I handle and have been very pleased with the customer service until this very strange behaviour from Jan.

Mr. Jan:

You should read more carefully and not add same question to already resolved issue.

You might also want to read forum rules.

I recommend you that you READ the posts in the threas more carefully before you use that tone and lock the thread. As I quoted David above this problem accures in some websites who do not want the /blog in the URL and is not solved according to him.

Fair enough, if I do not get an answer to why this tone was used against me without READING the previous posts in the thread then this will be my last contact with Artio.

Best regards
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Re: This is not the way you should treat your customer 14 years ago #20715

  • jaku

sorry about that post, but the the problem with the "blog" appended has been discussed at these forums at least dozen times.

I am not aware there would be any problem with it - regardless what David writes.
I think it is just about how you set the layout processing in JoomSEF / Manage Extensions / Content.

You need to decide what you want to have as default layout (blog or category) and to set that the default does not add anything to the URL.
Then you need to purge the existing URLs and clean the cache.

So far, at all webs I have been investigating this problem, this has helped. And I do not see a single reason, why it should not work on some sites. (provided they use the latest version of JoomSEF and content extension for it)
And as I said, it has been discussed here already many times.

I did not want to be rude or anything - sorry if it sounded that way - but we have plenty of supports coming in and I am sometimes getting tired answering the same questions over and over again. Hope you can understand me. There was nothing personal in it, so please accept my apology if it sounded disrespectfully.

Just a short explanation why I asked you to read the forum rules:
1. we ask paying customers to state their Order ID - you did not do that
2. we ask customers not to add post to closed threads - 4 months old thread could be already considered closed I guess
3. we ask to search forums first and as I said, this problem has been already discussed many times, so I am sure there exists several other threards explaining the same issue
Last Edit: 14 years ago by .
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