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Site really slow with joomSef
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TOPIC: Site really slow with joomSef

Site really slow with joomSef 15 years, 3 months ago #8978

I really need your help.
My site is and I bought Joomsef 3.4.3 plus extension for Virtuemart
and it's Joomla 1.5.15 + Virtuemart 1.1.4 + Joomfish 2.0.4
I have more then 1500 products uploaded at the moment and most of them translated in at least three languages with Joomfish

The sef urls generated from JOomsef are around 37000, alot of them.

I have cache activated under joomla configuration and Joomsef, the Jfrouter is disactivated how reqeusted but the website is working really really slow and my Dedicated server administrator is telling me that is the SEO component that is affecting severely the mysql server, letting the entire dedicated server slow down.

Can someone please help on this issue? HOw is it possible that if I wanna have my site performant how it used to be I have to disable JOomsef?

maybe it's something that I setted wrong.

Please, I really need help.


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Re:Site really slow with joomSef 15 years, 3 months ago #8992

  • jaku
Hello Fillippo,

well, there is several different issues that might be checked.

Firtt, it might be a bit slower from start, before the cache is generated and filled in with the most often used URLs. That might be first reason. (you may also want to adjust a bit the number of URLs that are stored in cache)
Also, make sure that the cache is really working and the cache file is created.

Second, make sure that you are using latest VM extension. (there have been some optimizations made as regards preventing storage of "wrong" URLs that are generated due to bugs and inconsistency in VirtueMart)

Third, if you have 37000 URLs with 1500 products in 3 languages, that is bit too much. I would expect you could have about 9000-12000 URLs stored (2-3 for each product in each language). So please check what URLs are stored in DB and maybe that will tell more about some adjustment in configuration needed.

Fourth, DB optimizaition. Well, in any case, 37k of records in DB is not so much really, there are sites with hunderds of thousands records stored and performing well, so maybe there is also some problem with MySQL configuration that might need some tune-up.
You could try checking what processes run over the DB and analyse them a bit to get idea, what queries seem to be running long and so what parameters to tune up. If set correctly, you can even have the most common queries pre-cached.
Also, if you could post the most of called query that seems to take long, we can take a look, if some additional optimization could be used.
Also check that indexed on the _sefurls tables are created and used by DB.

Fifth, if neither of the above helps enough, then the "final" solution would be reducing number of links generated on a single page. In general, the number of URLs on page should be kept under 100. Then, I beleive there should not tbe really a problem with performance.
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Re:Site really slow with joomSef 15 years, 3 months ago #9259

Ciao Salbini, ti consiglio di disabilitare la cache o di svuotarla molto frequentemente. non fa altro che rallentare.
Inoltre se mi indichi in che tipo di server (Hardware) hai caricato l tutto posso darti indicazioni.
Se possibile vorrei chiederti Gentilmente se la terna di versioni che usi Joomla 1.5.15 + Virtuemart 1.1.4 + Joomfish 2.0.4 ed in particolare alla Joomfish , funziona tutto senza apportare modifiche dall'istallazione standard. in quanto in giro in vari post ho trovato molta confusione in questione su eventuali modifiche da apportare alle tabelle, ai file di Joomfish.

Grazie in anticipo. Simone

salbini wrote:
I really need your help.
My site is and I bought Joomsef 3.4.3 plus extension for Virtuemart
and it's Joomla 1.5.15 + Virtuemart 1.1.4 + Joomfish 2.0.4
I have more then 1500 products uploaded at the moment and most of them translated in at least three languages with Joomfish

The sef urls generated from JOomsef are around 37000, alot of them.

I have cache activated under joomla configuration and Joomsef, the Jfrouter is disactivated how reqeusted but the website is working really really slow and my Dedicated server administrator is telling me that is the SEO component that is affecting severely the mysql server, letting the entire dedicated server slow down.

Can someone please help on this issue? HOw is it possible that if I wanna have my site performant how it used to be I have to disable JOomsef?

maybe it's something that I setted wrong.

Please, I really need help.


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Re:Site really slow with joomSef 15 years, 3 months ago #9264

Ciao Simone.
Se vuoi chiamami, c'è pure il cellulare sul sito, anche adesso, cosi ci scambiamo qualche consiglio
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Re:Site really slow with joomSef 15 years, 3 months ago #9278

  • jaku

please, use just english in these forums. (or Czech which is not welcome, but tolerated)

1. if you have so many items, consider creating number of items stored in cache (that will reduce number of SQL queries)

2. if I calculate correctly, if you have 1500 products, in 3 languages, that could create about 3x 1500 URLs for products + another 2x 1500 URLs for "product question" page if you are using it. That is about 9000 URLs. So, together with categories and some other pages oyu might have, you could have ~10k URLs.

You have almost 4x as much, so it would be worth investigating a bit, what the other URLs are. (these may be invalid URLs generated by incorrect links in templates, etc.)
You will see these in URL Management and you can use different filters to reduce the number of the links. You can also post some examples here, so we may give you some hints.

Anyway, also consider the capacity and configuration of your server. At this site -, we have about 60000 URLs stored at the moment and I think it runs quite ok, and it is far not the only site running on the server. So with dedicated harware, I would not really expect any problems with ~40k of records in table.

Also please mention what VirtueMart extension you are using.
Last Edit: 15 years, 3 months ago by .
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Re:Site really slow with joomSef 15 years, 2 months ago #9422


You know recently about the website where you were working on yesterday, could you help me to get it faster? because after SEF is became also slower, but maybe it's not caused by SEF.

Regards Ronnie
Last Edit: 15 years, 2 months ago by Ronnie Krijger.
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