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RewriteBase still active after switching it off
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TOPIC: RewriteBase still active after switching it off

RewriteBase still active after switching it off 14 years, 5 months ago #13542

For our test website we needed to use the rewriteBase /sixsigma because this is where the joomla installation is.
now our domein name is moved to the new server and all the links are still using the rewriteBase /sixsigma/

should be

i switch of the rewriteBase option in .htaccess Editor and even checked the file manual..
after that i cleaned the cache.. and even put caching to NO in the configuration..

What can be the problem or even better. what can be the solution..


The problem is not within Artio configuration but in joomla configuration file.
the var $live_site was empty. filled in the base url and works fine now..
Last Edit: 14 years, 5 months ago by snock. Reason: solved
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