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Problem with JoomSEF and Rockettheme Mynxx
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TOPIC: Problem with JoomSEF and Rockettheme Mynxx

Problem with JoomSEF and Rockettheme Mynxx 15 years, 3 months ago #9186

Hi guys,

I have a big problem with JoomSEF and Rockettheme Mynxx template/theme.

The font size is set to standard. Navigating through the website the font size always changes to small.
I don't know why.

Contacting the support of Rockettheme I got the following answer:
"I found that the cookies fontstyle always forced to "f-small" everytime for another page except the frontpage. Did you modify any template file?
For troubleshooting could you please temporary disable the SEF?"

After disabling JoomSEF everthing works fine. The font size keeps to standard.

Now I have the big problem that I don't know who causes this big trouble. JoomSEF or Rockettheme template/theme.

The Rockettheme Mynxx is a integrated Joomla template with VirtueMart theme. It's very nice and I don't wont to miss it.

Here's my website:

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Re:Problem with JoomSEF and Rockettheme Mynxx 15 years, 3 months ago #9193

  • jaku

as far as I know, JoomSEF does not have anything to do with cookies, so I do not think it has a direct relation to your problem.

I think this may be related to cookie paths. I checked your page and the cookie that was stored has path /. That should be fine. but is seems that when SEF is enabled and the URL is domain.xx/path, the the cookie is not loaded. By default, it should be available within the whole domain when set to /. However, according to behaviour you describe, it seens it is not when path is different from /.

Still, this needs to be checked and possibly fixed at the cookie writing/reading level. I assued you will have the same problem with any SEF URLs, there the path would differ from /.
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Re:Problem with JoomSEF and Rockettheme Mynxx 15 years, 3 months ago #9200

Thanks for your reply.

I would like to update to the newest JoomSEF version.
But the domain name has changed.

Could you please change the registered domain name from to ?

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Re:Problem with JoomSEF and Rockettheme Mynxx 15 years, 3 months ago #9241

  • jaku

we have changed it.
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Re:Problem with JoomSEF and Rockettheme Mynxx 15 years, 3 months ago #9245

Please update to the correct site
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Re:Problem with JoomSEF and Rockettheme Mynxx 15 years, 3 months ago #9610

Hi admin,

my problem with the changing font size is back.

Please have a look at

Goto Search.

Now font size switches from standard to small or large.

Goto frontpage.

Font size is still wrong.

Now clear your browser cookies and reload.

The font size switches back to standard.

This problem does not occur with standard Joomla SEF and SH404SEF.

Thanks in advance.

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