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Print Preview Button , Home menu item
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TOPIC: Print Preview Button , Home menu item

Print Preview Button , Home menu item 15 years ago #11161

Hi there,

im using multi language website with english (default) and czech language. I turned on "Show Print Button Icon" for menu item to show print button for visitors. Somehow "print button" in czech content shows print preview with english language.

Any ideas ?

And second thing - ArtioSEF doesnt make sef url for print button, is this right? Should I buy some extensions to get print button with SEF url ?

Ok, and next one - Menu item "Home" - link to homepage - in czech version of site links to and not to


Last Edit: 15 years ago by
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Re:Print Preview Button , Home menu item 15 years ago #11200

Any hints .. ? Or nobody uses multi language website with print icon showen ?
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Re:Print Preview Button , Home menu item 15 years ago #11222

  • jaku

a) the issue 1 (print button not being SEO) and 2 (print point to english even when in czech) may be related;
first step would be to find out, if this is related to JoomSEF directly or whether it does not work even when JoomSEF is off;
what to check:
1) make sure that jFrouter is off when using JoomSEF (if you have version prior to 3.6.0)
2) there should be a lang=xx variable in the link (if it is not, then it is a problem, as the Joomla may not recognize the language correctly - also make sure you have cookies allowed in case the lang is configured to be stored in cookie)

Whether JoomSEF will tranlate also print button link depends on the template and how the print link URL is constructed. If it uses standard index.php?... format, then it should be SEFed normally. However, if e.g. some JS code is used, then there will be no SEO process.

2) as regards the the home menu link issue - the problem may be again related to missing language infromation when poiting to the homepage (you may also want to check Language related settings in JoomSEF configuration as regards this and e.g. make sure that the language variable is always added)
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Re:Print Preview Button , Home menu item 14 years, 12 months ago #11235


issue 1 - print button
If I turn-off ArtioSEF and SEO in Joomla, all links got right url for print button with lang=cz or lang=english (depend on language version). If I turn-on default Joomla SEO with JFrouter, I got SEF links without any lang= in URL, BUT print preview page works without problem for both language. If I turn-on ArtioSEF and turn-off JFRouter, all print page icons urls got non-SEF, without lang= parametr and preview is in english for all languages. Page is formated like pure html/css, without any JS code.

issue 2 - home button
it is same problem as issue 1 - without default Joomla SEO and Artio it works without problem. With default Joomla SEO turn-on without Artio it works. With ArtioSEF turn-on it doesnt.

Thank you
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Re:Print Preview Button , Home menu item 14 years, 11 months ago #11322

  • jaku
What are your JoomFish related settings in JoomSEF? Please, send a screenshot.
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