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"powered by joomsef"-link after manual upgrade
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: "powered by joomsef"-link after manual upgrade

"powered by joomsef"-link after manual upgrade 13 years, 11 months ago #21217

  • rian
  • Posts: 5
have big problems with the problmes with the paid version:
I had the version 3.7. and on the upgrade page it always says "It was not possible to retrieve latest version information. The upgrade server may be temporarily down. Please, try again later.
It was not possible to check your registration information. The upgrade server may be temporarily down. Please, try again later."

After Joomsef switched the blog layout to category view for the second time (without changing anything, just happened out of the blue!!!), I thought I had to upgrade, so I uninstalled this version and installed the new 3.8.1 as it won't let me upgrade.

Now the server-temporarily-down-message stills shows, but much more annoying ist the "powered by joomsef"-link that I have on every page!!
how can I get rid of this?

I entered the donwload-id in the registratrion-tab, but somehow it still thinks it is the free version...

please help!
thank you and best regards
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Re: "powered by joomsef"-link after manual upgrade 13 years, 11 months ago #21316

  • jaku

just entering the ID is not satisfactory.
Please, check
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Re: "powered by joomsef"-link after manual upgrade 13 years, 11 months ago #21351

  • rian
  • Posts: 5
problem was i could not upgrade. had to reinstall old paid version and install the new paid version and it did not recognize it is the paid one. did this two times manually deleted the tables from the database and now it seems to work.

but the whole thing was very annoying and only because it suddenly switched my blog-layout-view to category-view without any reason...
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Re: "powered by joomsef"-link after manual upgrade 13 years, 11 months ago #21615

  • jaku
sorry to hear that.
Anyway, nothing in the world happens without a reason. :-)
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Re: "powered by joomsef"-link after manual upgrade 13 years, 11 months ago #21619

  • rian
  • Posts: 5
so, what are you telling me??? the reason that I paid for a crappy software, that offers crappy support and literally no help? wow, stupid me, it was my fault! of course!
Last Edit: 13 years, 11 months ago by rian.
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Re: "powered by joomsef"-link after manual upgrade 13 years, 11 months ago #21623

  • jaku
I am telling you that
"it suddenly switched my blog-layout-view to category-view without any reason..."
is simply a non-sense.

Obviously there had to be a reason. There is just one algorythm to generate the SEF URL out of non-SEF original. So unless you or someone else has modyfied some settings, it could hardly change just "out of own will".

As regards the registration and upgrade problems, it is all well decsribed in our FAQs
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