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JoomSEF and JoomlaBoard - showing a
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: JoomSEF and JoomlaBoard - showing a

JoomSEF and JoomlaBoard - showing a 14 years, 10 months ago #11155

Hello All

I have a problems with the Joomla 1.10, JoomSEF 2.3.4 and JoomlaBoard 1.1.2.

I have a side bar menu (on the left) on this page. There is the Link-URL menu item "Forum" with link: index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=66&task=listcat&catid=27.

And I have the Component menu item Support -> Forums with: index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=66.

Now, if I first visit Support -> Forums, then I get a "good" link:

If I first will visit product page with "Forum" link, then I will get a "bad" link:

So, what is the difference, that forces JoomSEF to fail build correct link ? I have looked into com_joomlaboard SEF extension, but have not found any issues.

What best regards,
Dmitry Arefiev
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Re:JoomSEF and JoomlaBoard - showing a 14 years, 10 months ago #11157

Anybody can help ?

PS: I have bought the JoomSEF license. Or does this forum means, that I have to pay for the support ?
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Re:JoomSEF and JoomlaBoard - showing a 14 years, 10 months ago #11339

  • jaku
this might mean that the link from the product page you mention is not created correctly - e.g. it is using different ( or none) Itemid value than the link in the menu?
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Re:JoomSEF and JoomlaBoard - showing a 14 years, 10 months ago #11349

Thank you for answer. I already figured that out and fixed the issue.
But one serious issue still remains. When I go to JoomlaBoard forum
through site main menu, I see good SEF links for forum posts:

But when I use com_search & joomlaboard.searchbot.php to find
forum topics, I see bad SEF links:

I know that I can turn off support for com_search in JoomSEF configuration,
but may be you have a better idea, how to fix that ?
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Re:JoomSEF and JoomlaBoard - showing a 14 years, 10 months ago #11585

  • jaku
Well, it might be first interesting to learn, what original non-SEF URL is stored for that forum/view-7.html link. I think it is possible some important variable may be missing there so the URL is not generated correctly.
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Re:JoomSEF and JoomlaBoard - showing a 14 years, 10 months ago #11590

I have upgraded JoomlaBoard to Kunena and now all works OK. Seems you
are pushing your customers to upgrade to the "correct" components / version,
when they are waiting few weeks for an answer :) I will suggest to build a
knowledge base with the list of the supported Joomla components and
required tweaks, as the list of the non-supported components with the
migration paths.
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