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JoomSEF 3.6.3 breaks CSS for J!WHMCS
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TOPIC: JoomSEF 3.6.3 breaks CSS for J!WHMCS

JoomSEF 3.6.3 breaks CSS for J!WHMCS 14 years, 8 months ago #12279

JoomSEF 3.6.2 worked just fine but after I upgraded to 3.6.3 my support page at stopped showing the CSS style sheets elements. I had to revert back to the previous version in the meantime. Attached is a screenshot of what the new version does to the page.

The support page uses WHMCS and the J!WHMCS Joomla extension which doesn't have a JoomSEF extension, but it was working previously.

I thought the problem was within the template since it pulls the css using the following:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="templates/jwhmcs-portal/style.css" />

So I tried to uses the following but it still does not working:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

Any ideas?

Also I've notice some very high MySQL usage related to the the JoomSEF extension. I've seen MySQL usage spike to over 300% when only a few pages are being viewed. The site is on a powerful server so I know that it not the problem.

Every time I check "mysqladmin processlist" during the time MySQL usage is 100%+ its always JoomSEF causing the high usage.

What can be done to reduce the load the extension causes on the server?
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