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Joomfish with Joomsef
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: Joomfish with Joomsef

Joomfish with Joomsef 15 years, 9 months ago #7097

  • _fD_
  • Posts: 32

i have running joomsef 2.3.3 and joomfish 1.7 running.

i like to have URLs like:
domain.tld/germanfiles.html For the main language
domain.tld/fr/frenchfiles.html For all other languages.

How can i setup this?

Thanks in advance for the right tip.

Best regards, Urs
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Re:Joomfish with Joomsef 15 years, 9 months ago #7102

  • jaku

this is quite easy. Just setup german as main site language. Keep the rest settings as default. (always add langauge, language to path).
Then, the language identified as main will not use the portion of URL path.
(same as on this website); however, there exists some old URLs, that still use /en
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Re:Joomfish with Joomsef Joomla 1.0.15 15 years, 9 months ago #7113

  • _fD_
  • Posts: 32
Hello Jan,

i tried and now i have a strange problem with the config file, that means i get a java failure ... ok, anyway the urls are now like following:

domain.tld/de//german.html par example

But for german i want it without the lang string de.
Only the custom urls are right. That i made of coz without the lang de. What is wrong here ?

German is the main language in Joomla config too.

Thanks a lot for help.
Best regards, Urs

My actual config. Please take a look on it. Perfectly u send me the missing configs, so i can write in with the editor. Sorry, i tried the hole day to get it ...:

$alwaysUseLang = "1";
$enabled = "1";
$replacement = "-";
$pagerep = "-";
$stripthese = ",|~|!|@|%|^|*|(|)|+|<|>|:|;|{|}|[|]|---|--|..";
$suffix = ".html";
$addFile = "index.html";
$friendlytrim = "-|.";
$pagetext = "%s";
$langPlacement = "0";
$lowerCase = "1";
$showSection = "0";
$showCat = "1";
$useAlias = "0";
$excludeSource = "0";
$reappendSource = "0";
$ignoreSource = "1";
$appendNonSef = "1";
$transitSlash = "1";
$useCache = "1";
$cacheSize = "1000";
$cacheMinHits = "10";
$cacheFLock = "1";
$translateNames = "1";
$page404 = "0";
$record404 = "0";
$itemid404 = "";
$nonSefRedirect = "0";
$useMoved = "1";
$useMovedAsk = "0";
$replacements = "Á|A, Â|A, Å|A, Ă|A, Ä|A, À|A, Ć|C, Ç|C, Č|C, Ď|D, É|E, È|E, Ë|E, Ě|E, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, Ĺ|L, Ń|N, Ň|N, Ñ|N, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ŕ|R, Ř|R, Š|S, Ś|O, Ť|T, Ů|U, Ú|U, Ű|U, Ü|U, Ý|Y, Ž|Z, Ź|Z, á|a, â|a, å|a, ä|a, à|a, ć|c, ç|c, č|c, ď|d, đ|d, é|e, ę|e, ë|e, ě|e, è|e, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, ĺ|l, ń|n, ň|n, ñ|n, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, ő|o, ö|o, š|s, ś|s, ř|r, ŕ|r, ť|t, ů|u, ú|u, ű|u, ü|u, ý|y, ž|z, ź|z, ˙|-, ß|ss, Ą|A, µ|u, Ą|A, µ|u, ą|a, Ą|A, ę|e, ê|e, ś|s, Ś|S, ż|z, Ż|Z, ź|z, Ź|Z, ć|c, Ć|C, ł|l, Ł|L, ó|o, Ó|O, ń|n, Ń|N";
$predefined = array('0' => "com_frontpage",'1' => "com_login",'2' => "com_newsfeeds",'3' => "com_sef",'4' => "com_weblinks",'5' => "com_joomfish");
$skip = array('0' => "com_404_redirect",'1' => "com_acajoom",'2' => "com_backendcontentsearch",'3' => "com_customquickicons",'4' => "com_jce",'5' => "com_joomlapack",'6' => "com_joomlaxplorer",'7' => "com_mcs",'8' => "com_phpmyadmin262",'9' => "com_poll");
$nocache = array();
$serverUpgradeURL = "";
$serverNewVersionURL = "";
$langDomain = array('3' => "",'5' => "");
$altDomain = null;
$disableNewSEF = "0";
$dontShowTitle = array('0' => "com_contact",'1' => "com_search",'2' => "com_sefservicemap",'3' => "com_virtuemart");
$dontRemoveSid = "0";
$contentUseIndex = "1";
$checkJunkUrls = "1";
$customNonSef = "";
Last Edit: 15 years, 9 months ago by _fD_. Reason: Better solution meanwhile
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Re:Joomfish with Joomsef Joomla 1.0.15 15 years, 9 months ago #7122

  • jaku

in your config, I do not see 1 important line:
$mainLanguage = "en";

However I apologize, it seems I misleaded you. I did not notice you have still Joomla 1.0.x and JoomSEF 2.x. I am afraid this configuration option is not available in JoomSEF 2.x. It is only available in 3.x.
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Re:Joomfish with Joomsef Joomla 1.0.15 15 years, 9 months ago #7187

  • _fD_
  • Posts: 32
Hello Jan,

thank u for answering.

Is it possible to config Joomsef and Joomfish to following?


My hosting environnement ist Plesk 8.X and i can set Alias Domains or real Subdomains for fr.domain.tld.
How can i setup this?

With best regards,
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Re:Joomfish with Joomsef Joomla 1.0.15 15 years, 9 months ago #7188

  • jaku

I think this should be possible when setting
"Language integration" to "use different domains"
and defining the respective domains for each of the languages.
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