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joomfish frontend translation editor wont save
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TOPIC: joomfish frontend translation editor wont save

joomfish frontend translation editor wont save 15 years, 5 months ago #7965

Joomla Version 1.5.14
ARTIO JoomSEF v3.3.3
Joom!Fish Version V2.0.3

I have run into a problem with joomsef and frontend translations of our web site. When logged in from frontend the article editor opens up normally and one can edit the document but it wont save unless joosef is turned off.
edit button link /index.php?view=article&id=78&task=edit&ret=aHR0cDovL3d3dy52ZXRjb2FjaC5pbmZvLw%3D%3D&option=com_content&Itemid=1&lang=en

I have tried with two different editors and with jomsef on and off in both cases and it just wont save with joomsef.

Am I configuring something incorrectly with joomsef options?

Exclude source info (Itemid) No
Reappend source (Itemid) No
Ignore multiple sources (Itemids) Yes
Append non-SEF variables to URL Yes
Be tolerant to trailing slash? Yes
Redirect nonSEF URLs to SEF? No
Use Moved Permanently redirection table? Yes
Ask before saving URL to Moved Permanently table? Yes
Do not remove SID from SEF URL? No
Set server QUERY_STRING? No
Parse Joomla SEO links? Yes
Filter variable values? Yes
Filter these words:
Variables to exclude from filtering:
Prevent nonSEF variables from overwriting the parsed ones: No

Thanks for your thoughts
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Re:joomfish frontend translation editor wont save 15 years, 5 months ago #8033

  • jaku

what is the status of the JfRouter plugin? Is it published or not? (this one comes with JoomFish)
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Re:joomfish frontend translation editor wont save 15 years, 5 months ago #8044

Thanks for replying.
No its not published..
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Re:joomfish frontend translation editor wont save 15 years, 5 months ago #8047

  • jaku
So, what happens if you click the save?
I guess we will need more detailed debug info on this.

Also, what is the base URL of your site? (is it in domain root?)
What is the form submit method? get/post?
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Re:joomfish frontend translation editor wont save 15 years, 5 months ago #8055

The site is in domain root.
I cant find the word POST in the source code but their are lots of get.
Here is joomla debug output, first section is page loaded ready to edit, second section is after clicking save upon which it displys Article successfully saved.
section 1

FROM jos_languages
ORDER BY ordering
2.SELECT m.*, c.`option` AS component
FROM jos_menu AS m
LEFT JOIN jos_components AS c
ON m.componentid =
WHERE m.published = 1
ORDER BY m.sublevel, m.parent, m.ordering
3.SELECT `file`, `params`
FROM `jos_sefexts`
4.SELECT template
FROM jos_templates_menu
WHERE client_id = 0
AND (menuid = 0 OR menuid = 73)
LIMIT 0, 1
5.SELECT a.*, AS author, u.usertype, cc.title AS category, s.title AS section, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":",, a.alias) ELSE END AS slug, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":",, cc.alias) ELSE END AS catslug, AS groups, s.published AS sec_pub, cc.published AS cat_pub, s.access AS sec_access, cc.access AS cat_access
FROM jos_content AS a
LEFT JOIN jos_categories AS cc
ON = a.catid
LEFT JOIN jos_sections AS s
ON = cc.section
AND s.scope = "content"
LEFT JOIN jos_users AS u
ON = a.created_by
LEFT JOIN jos_groups AS g
ON a.access =
WHERE = 75
6.SELECT jf_content.reference_field, jf_content.value, jf_content.reference_id, jf_content.original_value

FROM jos_jf_content AS jf_content

WHERE jf_content.language_id=1

AND jf_content.reference_id IN(75)

AND jf_content.reference_table='content'
7.UPDATE `jos_content`
SET checked_out = 64, checked_out_time = '2009-09-16 10:20:16'
WHERE id = '75'
8.SELECT, s.title
FROM jos_sections AS s
ORDER BY s.ordering
9.SELECT id, title, section
FROM jos_categories
WHERE section IN ( '-1', '0', '4', '1', '3', '5' )
ORDER BY ordering
10.SELECT ordering AS value, title AS text
FROM jos_content
WHERE catid = 44
AND state > -1
ORDER BY ordering
11.SELECT content_id
FROM jos_content_frontpage
WHERE content_id = 75
12.SELECT id AS value, name AS text
FROM jos_groups
13.SELECT template
FROM jos_templates_menu
WHERE client_id = 0
AND menuid = 0
14.SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, control, params
FROM jos_modules AS m
LEFT JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm
ON mm.moduleid =
WHERE m.published = 1
AND m.access <= 2
AND m.client_id = 0
AND ( mm.menuid = 73 OR mm.menuid = 0 )
ORDER BY position, ordering
15.SELECT `catid`
FROM `jos_content`
WHERE `id` = '75'
16.SELECT `catid`
FROM `jos_content`
WHERE `id` = '73'
17.SELECT `catid`
FROM `jos_content`
WHERE `id` = '80'
18.SELECT `sefurl`
FROM `jos_sefurls`
WHERE `origurl` = 'index.php?option=com_content&catid=44&id=80&lang=en&view=article'
19.SELECT m.*, c.`option` AS component
FROM jos_menu AS m
LEFT JOIN jos_components AS c
ON m.componentid =
WHERE m.published = 1
ORDER BY m.sublevel, m.parent, m.ordering
20.SELECT jf_content.reference_field, jf_content.value, jf_content.reference_id, jf_content.original_value

FROM jos_jf_content AS jf_content

WHERE jf_content.language_id=4

AND jf_content.reference_id IN(73)

AND jf_content.reference_table='menu'
21.SELECT `sefurl`
FROM `jos_sefurls`
WHERE `origurl` = 'index.php?option=com_content&catid=44&id=75&lang=es&ret=aHR0cDovL3d3dy52ZXRjb2FjaC5pbmZvL2VuL2FydGljbGUtdmV0Y29hY2gvYWJvdXQtdmV0Y29hY2guaHRtbA==&task=edit&view=article'
22.SELECT `sefurl`
FROM `jos_sefurls`
WHERE `origurl` = 'index.php?option=com_content&catid=44&id=75&lang=en&ret=aHR0cDovL3d3dy52ZXRjb2FjaC5pbmZvL2VuL2FydGljbGUtdmV0Y29hY2gvYWJvdXQtdmV0Y29hY2guaHRtbA==&task=edit&view=article'
Language Files Loaded
•/homez.183/biling/www/book/language/en-GB/en-GB.ini 1
•/homez.183/biling/www/book/language/es-ES/es-ES.ini 1
•/homez.183/biling/www/book/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_content_avreloaded.ini 1
•/homez.183/biling/www/book/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_debug.ini 1
•/homez.183/biling/www/book/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_content.ini 1
•/homez.183/biling/www/book/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_joomfish_missing_translation.ini 1
•/homez.183/biling/www/book/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_footer.ini 1
•/homez.183/biling/www/book/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_mainmenu.ini 1
•/homez.183/biling/www/book/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_jflanguageselection.ini 1
•/homez.183/biling/www/book/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_avreloaded.ini 1

After pressing save

1.UPDATE jos_sefurls
SET cpt=(cpt+1)
WHERE `sefurl` = 'en/article-vetcoach/about-vetcoach.html'
AND `origurl` != ''
FROM jos_languages
ORDER BY ordering
3.SELECT `file`, `params`
FROM `jos_sefexts`
4.SELECT m.*, c.`option` AS component
FROM jos_menu AS m
LEFT JOIN jos_components AS c
ON m.componentid =
WHERE m.published = 1
ORDER BY m.sublevel, m.parent, m.ordering
5.SELECT template
FROM jos_templates_menu
WHERE client_id = 0
AND (menuid = 0 OR menuid = 73)
LIMIT 0, 1
6.SELECT a.*, AS author, u.usertype, cc.title AS category, s.title AS section, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":",, a.alias) ELSE END AS slug, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":",, cc.alias) ELSE END AS catslug, AS groups, s.published AS sec_pub, cc.published AS cat_pub, s.access AS sec_access, cc.access AS cat_access
FROM jos_content AS a
LEFT JOIN jos_categories AS cc
ON = a.catid
LEFT JOIN jos_sections AS s
ON = cc.section
AND s.scope = "content"
LEFT JOIN jos_users AS u
ON = a.created_by
LEFT JOIN jos_groups AS g
ON a.access =
WHERE = 75
7.SELECT jf_content.reference_field, jf_content.value, jf_content.reference_id, jf_content.original_value

FROM jos_jf_content AS jf_content

WHERE jf_content.language_id=1

AND jf_content.reference_id IN(75)

AND jf_content.reference_table='content'
8.UPDATE jos_content
SET hits = ( hits + 1 )
WHERE id='75'
9.SELECT `catid`
FROM `jos_content`
WHERE `id` = '75'
10.SELECT `sefurl`
FROM `jos_sefurls`
WHERE `origurl` = 'index.php?option=com_content&catid=44&id=75&lang=en&ret=aHR0cDovL3d3dy52ZXRjb2FjaC5pbmZvL2VuL2FydGljbGUtdmV0Y29hY2gvYWJvdXQtdmV0Y29hY2guaHRtbA==&task=edit&view=article'
11.SELECT `sefurl`
FROM `jos_sefurls`
WHERE `origurl` = 'index.php?option=com_mailto&lang=en&link=aHR0cDovL3d3dy52ZXRjb2FjaC5pbmZvL2VuL2FydGljbGUtdmV0Y29hY2gvYWJvdXQtdmV0Y29hY2guaHRtbA==&tmpl=component'
12.SELECT `file`, `title`, `id`
FROM `jos_sefexts`
13.SELECT `name` AS `name`, `id`
FROM `jos_menu`
WHERE `link` = 'index.php?option=com_mailto'
AND `published` > 0
14.SELECT `name` AS `name`, `id`
FROM `jos_menu`
WHERE `link` LIKE 'index.php?option=com_mailto%'
AND `published` > 0
15.SELECT `sefurl`
FROM `jos_sefurls`
WHERE `origurl` = 'index.php?option=com_mailto&lang=en&tmpl=component'
16.SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, control, params
FROM jos_modules AS m
LEFT JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm
ON mm.moduleid =
WHERE m.published = 1
AND m.access <= 2
AND m.client_id = 0
AND ( mm.menuid = 73 OR mm.menuid = 0 )
ORDER BY position, ordering
17.SELECT `catid`
FROM `jos_content`
WHERE `id` = '75'
18.SELECT `catid`
FROM `jos_content`
WHERE `id` = '73'
19.SELECT `catid`
FROM `jos_content`
WHERE `id` = '80'
20.SELECT `sefurl`
FROM `jos_sefurls`
WHERE `origurl` = 'index.php?option=com_content&catid=44&id=80&lang=en&view=article'
21.SELECT `sefurl`
FROM `jos_sefurls`
WHERE `origurl` = 'index.php?option=com_content&catid=44&id=75&lang=en&ret=aHR0cDovL3d3dy52ZXRjb2FjaC5pbmZvL2VuL2FydGljbGUtdmV0Y29hY2gvYWJvdXQtdmV0Y29hY2guaHRtbA==&task=edit&view=article'
Last Edit: 15 years, 5 months ago by
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Re:joomfish frontend translation editor wont save 15 years, 5 months ago #8117

Am I missing somethiing here?......
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