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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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Home 15 years, 1 month ago #9827

Hi admin,

in the moment I have 3 pages which direct to the domain itself:

home is a static page and is the frontpage of my site.

How can I configure JoomSEF to redirect /home and /index.php to /

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Re:Home 15 years ago #9902

The question is still existing !!
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Re:Home 15 years ago #9909

  • jaku

guess I have some bad news.

What you want is not always possible. E..g. index.php cannot be redirected anywhere, because index.php REALLY is the entry point to Joomla. So an attempt to redirect this would lead to an recursion and the whole site would got stuck. (simply / and /index.php are equivalents)

The only way to prevent index.php from appearing, is to make sure that NO component generates that URL.
E.g. VirtueMart does so in some cases, because the link is hard-coded in some forms, templates, etc. (however some other components may do the same - there is no other way how to get around that than to fix the links in the component code in such cases)

As regards redirectiong /home to /, that should work fine by creting an 301 redirect, either in JoomSEF 301 editor or in .htaccess editor.
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