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Getting duplicates, do not see why? Joomfish?
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TOPIC: Getting duplicates, do not see why? Joomfish?

Getting duplicates, do not see why? Joomfish? 13 years, 9 months ago #21917


Here is my page:
Order No. 17174
JOOMSEF: 3.8.1
JOOMLA: 1.5.23

I still have many entries under "duplicates". For example:

1. index.php?option=com_content&catid=3&id=68&lang=&view=article&Itemid=75
2. index.php?option=com_content&catid=3&id=68&lang=de&view=article&Itemid=75
3. index.php?option=com_content&catid=12&id=68&lang=de&view=article&Itemid=75

Why does that happen and how do I change it? I do not have a second language in use.

I also attached a screenshot of all the duplicates I have.

I really must know if this is bad for Google and how I change it. Help would really be appreciated.

Thank you!
Last Edit: 13 years, 9 months ago by chill4.
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Re: Getting duplicates, do not see why? Joomfish? 13 years, 9 months ago #22019

  • jaku
well, JoomSEF simply tries to translate every URL (original Joomla non-SEF) that it finds.
If it finds a wrong one, it will also translate it and that may lead to duplicates.

So, first step is to make sure, all links are generated correctly. This may sometimes require updating templates.

In examples you gave, the first one is obviously wrong, as it has no lang value. Do no ask me why. There may be many reasons. You may try to turn URL Source Tracking on in JoomSEF to detect the place in code where this link comes from.

As regards links 2 and 3 in the example you gave, those should be different, if the category names (category id 3 and 12) are different. If the categories are named same, then there also may be duplicity. In such case, you should consider modyfing configuration in a way to e.g. include section or some other part to make the URLs different and prevent the duplicity.
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