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Fatal error: Class 'SimplePie' not found in /home
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TOPIC: Fatal error: Class 'SimplePie' not found in /home

Fatal error: Class 'SimplePie' not found in /home 14 years, 2 months ago #19446


When I try to "SAVE" or "CLOSE" out of the newly installed JoomSEF component on my development site, I receive the following PHP error:

Fatal error: Class 'SimplePie' not found in /home/content/64/6587464/html/bgv/libraries/joomla/factory.php on line 329

Can anyone help with this?

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Re: Fatal error: Class 'SimplePie' not found in /home 14 years, 2 months ago #19486

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

On what page in JoomSEF does this happen? Or all the pages that have these buttons? What versions of Joomla and JoomSEF do you use?

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Fatal error: Class 'SimplePie' not found in /home 14 years, 2 months ago #19496

Hi David,

I'm using the most recent version, 3.7.6. I upgraded from the Artio Server hoping that would fix the problem. It happens every time I hit "save", "close" or any of the buttons on the top right on all pages. However buttons such as the "ping" buttons and "generate XML" do not produce the error.

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Fatal error: Class 'SimplePie' not found in /home 14 years, 2 months ago #19520

  • jaku

I think this error has no direct relation with JoomSEF; it may be some problem of how the files are loaded by Joomla.

I have checkd the source in the file you have mentioned in the error and the lines there are:
jimport ('simplepie.simplepie');
if(!is_writable(JPATH_BASE.DS.'cache')) {
$options['cache_time'] = 0;
$simplepie = new SimplePie(
isset( $options['cache_time'] ) ? $options['cache_time'] : 0

So as you can see, there is jimport function called that should load the SimplePie class.
Therefore I do not see, why the class cannot be loaded.

Revealing more about this would require debugging step by step. I am just afraid this is already out of range of the support we can provide here.
If you would be interested, we can offer you a paid support.
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