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Deleting milions of URLs
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TOPIC: Deleting milions of URLs

Deleting milions of URLs 13 years, 8 months ago #22373


Order Number: 14190, 15081, 15208 and 15210
ARTIO JoomSEF Versión: 3.7.5

JoomSef has created milions of Automatic URLs.

I am using virtuemart and Cherry Picker. I have Virtuemart extensions 2.0.34.

I want to know how to:
- make sure I get a solution so JoomSEF do not create millions of Automatic URLs any more.
- indentify what URLs I can delete. (I do not wanto to delete URLS already indexed in google)
- how to delete them. I try to filter "Impresions =0" and when I say to delete all filtered but I get this error message:
"Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71 bytes) in /home1/tucasade/public_html/topvino/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 377"
I tryed also with PhpMYadmin in my C-panel and didn't know how to do it. I can delete all the records of the jos_sefurls table but not all with "Impresions=0"

I have your JoomSEF in many of my websites and it is happening in all of them.

Thanks a lot for your support.

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Re: Deleting milions of URLs 13 years, 8 months ago #22591

  • jaku

well, first of all it is important to find our where from those "millions" of URLs are being generated from:

- what component
- vhaw view or what parameters are causing this

You should be able to find this out using component filters. (and see which on them is responsible for most of your stored URLs)

It may occur where there does not exists suitable extension for some add-on component. Very often, similar problems are caused by components having "infite" number of URLs, such as calendars, where crawlers keep following "next day" link and that generates stil new and new URLs.

You can surely delete all URLs where impressions = 0. The problem with memory limit being reached can be either solved by increasing it temporarily or by deleting the URLs at the DB level using a SQL query in tool such as PhpMyAdmin.
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