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Class 'SEFConfig' not found
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TOPIC: Class 'SEFConfig' not found

Class 'SEFConfig' not found 14 years, 9 months ago #12081


I have been testing the free version of Artio joomSEF 3.6.2 and got it working as I wanted it to.

Last step before purchasing the license was to install it on my production server (all tests on my test servers were fine).

However on the production server my web site suddenly went blank. Empty page.

After restoring a backup my site came up again, so only 30 mins downtime fortunately.

I have now recreated a complete mirror of my production setup and the same thing happened again. I am not sure of the exact steps or what brought it on by I received this email from the web site:

When trying to access, an error was detected with system plugin joomsef and it has been disabled. Technical error description follows:

Class 'SEFConfig' not found
/var/www/plugins/system/joomsef.php : 38

My site is a bit atypical, in that it runs on Amazon EC2.

I have an elastic load balancer in front of a web server and a separate database backend.

The address above would be the internal ip address of the web server, and the request comes from the load balancers health check, to see if the site is still alive.

I have the live site parameter set up to point to the external site name.

For some reason the site has come back up now, but obviously I am not comfortable putting on an extension, which might bring my site down without me understanding why.

If I can get this problem sorted I will buy a license - if not I will have to go with sh404 (already have a license for that, but prefer your component).

I hope you can help me with a speedy resolution as I will have to make a decision on this ASAP.

Thank you very much!

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Re:Class 'SEFConfig' not found 14 years, 8 months ago #12360

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

There was probably some problem with class registration using Joomla API in the same file on line 14:
JLoader::register('SEFConfig', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.'com_sef'.DS.'classes'.DS.'config.php');

It could be probably fixed by changing that line to this:

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:Class 'SEFConfig' not found 14 years, 8 months ago #12369

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