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Cannot change some URL
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TOPIC: Cannot change some URL

Cannot change some URL 14 years, 2 months ago #19256

  • sias
  • Posts: 3

Order: No. 14529
Joomla: 1.5.22
JoomSef: 3.7.6

I have installed Joomsef, but I can't see in Manage SEF URL , some URL of my website (After click on the link in website). In my joomla, I have some URL like : , and I want to custom it, but in manage sef url, I can´t see this url, and instead I see only, with different content (list of article's title).
How can I see to manage these URL ?

Thank you
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Re: Cannot change some URL 14 years, 2 months ago #19294

  • sias
  • Posts: 3
Someone can help me with this?

Thank you
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Re: Cannot change some URL 14 years, 2 months ago #19304

  • jaku

are you looking in "All URLs"? If you do not see the URL there, try clearing cache and check again both the URL and Manage URLs. (the URL might being loaded from cache)

If you still do not see the URL in Manage URLs list, then most likely it is not generated by JoomSEF router. (check for what components it is - seems to be content - and see what is the SEF handler for the component)

In case if the handler is not storing the URL to database but is translated on the fly, it will not be listed in the Manage URLs table.
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Re: Cannot change some URL 14 years, 2 months ago #19311

  • sias
  • Posts: 3

I have found the problem, I inform you what is for other users
I have page like , this page in joomla, setup as section blog.

In Jomsef, 2 URL are automaticaly created :
URL 1:
SEF URL: folder1/
REAL URL: index.php?option=com_content&id=3&layout=default&view=category&Itemid=4

URL 2:
SEF URL : folder1/blog
REAL URL: index.php?option=com_content&id=3&layout=default&view=category&Itemid=4

Now I want to have my URL2 And here there is the problem, because it's not possible to do this: I cannot take the name folder1 even if I delete the URL 1 before: My seccion is redirect always to category page.

I have found 1 solutions:
- Change 'seccion blog' to 'category blog' In my joomla, in this way Joomsef will create only the URL 2.
- Change the SEF URL of URL1 (for example folder1supr) and after change the SEF URL 2 to folder1.

I hope it can help somebody,

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