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TOPIC: 500 error

500 error 14 years, 4 months ago #18529

Hi, i recieve a 500 error when i try to save settings for extensions like 'content' or 'myblog'. this is some of the 500 error code

500 - An error has occurred.

TableExtension::store failed - Unknown column 'filters' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `jos_sefexts` SET `id`='4',`title`='',`filters`='',`params`='pagination=0\nmultipagetitles=1\nguessId=0\ncompatibility=0\nshow_category=1\nshow_section=0\ntitle_alias=global\ncategory_alias=global\nsection_alias=global\nadd_layout=2\ndef_layout=default\ngooglenewsnum=0\ndigits=3\ndateformat=ddmm\niddatesep=\niddateorder=0\nnumberpos=1\nmeta_titlecat=0\nmeta_desc=1\ndesc_len=150\nmeta_keys=1\nkeys_minlen=3\nkeys_count=8\nblacklist=a, able, about, above, abroad, according, accordingly, across, actually, adj, after, afterwards, again, against, ago, ahead, ain\'t, all, allow, allows, almost, alone, along, alongside, already, also, although, always, am, amid, amidst, among, ......

Also, if i turn component on, modules are appearing under article pages that should not be there. If i click on my right menu module, all links on this menu redirect to to my join us page for some strange reason. Any help here ? pls
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Re: 500 error 14 years, 3 months ago #18620

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The error suggests that there has been some problem during an upgrade and the jos_sefexts table was not upgraded correctly. Use phpMyAdmin or some similar tool and post the structure of your jos_sefexts table in the database please.

Modules being appearing where they shouldn't is caused by wrong Itemid stored with the URLs. Try deleting the URLs that have this problem and clearing the JoomSEF's cache, so they can be recreated. If that doesn't help, disable the Ignore multiple sources option in JoomSEF's configuration on the Advanced tab.

Do the links in the menu that doesn't work point to some articles or to some component?

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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