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[solved] mosets extenstion
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TOPIC: [solved] mosets extenstion

[solved] mosets extenstion 15 years, 5 months ago #8098

hello !!!

I just buy the Mosets tree jomsef 3 extension for joomla 1.5

and i see there miss something exactly like on my Sobi2 joomsef 3 extension....

but i stopped to use sobi and now i work with mosets...and

I would like to have the possibility to ADD the entry ID in my BROWSER title :

because actually i have duplicate browser title, when i have more than one entry with the same name.


if i have 2 entries who have as name : FORD

the first entry get this url :


the second entry called ford have this url :

BUT BOTH have the SAME BROWSER title :

browser title : MYWEBSITE - FORD
for :

browser title : MYWEBSITE - FORD
for :

For information :

SH404SEF add the ENTRY ID in the browser title

i have with sh404sef this :

browser title : MYWEBSITE - FORD
for :


browser title : MYWEBSITE - FORD 2
for :

but i don't use SH404sef !!!

I prefer artio joomsef its the best sef component for me, for a lot of reasons...

i bought many extension i am very satisfied everything run perfectly but unhappily i don't have the possibility to add ID in title :( and it's important for my referencement. google hate duplicate titles...

Please guys help me to have ID on my browser title!!!!

its very important for me and i think it's a really usefull option for a SEF component ! ( search engine friendly who make duplicate title it's not normal..)

thank you for your futur help !!!!

best regards,

Last Edit: 15 years, 5 months ago by gatsu01.
The topic has been locked.

Re:Problem with Mosets tree joomsef 3 extension !!! 15 years, 5 months ago #8111

hello, it's not necessary to reply at this post because i resolved my problem. i have created a php function to do it

thank you!
Last Edit: 15 years, 5 months ago by gatsu01.
The topic has been locked.
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