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Problems displaying modules Virtuemart / Joomsef
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TOPIC: Problems displaying modules Virtuemart / Joomsef

Problems displaying modules Virtuemart / Joomsef 15 years, 5 months ago #8045


I have problems when publishing modules related to menu items.
I make a new Menu item, type virtuemart and the i fill in the product ID and the category ID, the I create a custom html module and associate it to this menu item, but the module isn't displayed.

What's wrong here? I'm using the new versions of JoomSEF and the virtuemart ext.

Where is my failure? What are the presets / configurations to do to make this work?

Thanx for your replies

werk26:: Werbeagentur & Internetauftritte
Suchmaschinenoptimierung Nürnberg
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Re:Problems displaying modules Virtuemart / Joomsef 15 years, 5 months ago #8155

  • jaku
Dear Andy,

the problem is called Itemids.
Please, check the FAQs: Some modules are not showing when JoomSEF is activated
That should give you basic idea about the problem.

Then, check what Itemid value is stored for your menu items (in JoomSEF URL editor / viewer) and if needed, adjust them to match with your module settings. The Itemid stored with the URL needs to match the Itemid of menu item for which the particular module is configured to show up.
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