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Problem with Joomsef and phoca gallery extension
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TOPIC: Problem with Joomsef and phoca gallery extension

Problem with Joomsef and phoca gallery extension 13 years, 7 months ago #23227

If you look at this page

I am using Joomsef 3.8.2 for joomla 1.5 and phoca gallery extension version 2.1.1 and phoca gallery version 2.8.0

If you use joomsef as the router it redirects you back to the home page if you click on the image that i listed in the link above. If you turn off joomsef completely and just use joomla sef it works correctly. Even if you turn the router to default joomla router it will still do it

The only way to get it to work is to turn off Joomsef completely

This has to be a bug. Please tell me how to fix this because this is a major issue because if someone accidentally clicks on the image it will take them back to the home page


Last Edit: 13 years, 7 months ago by jewilki1. Reason: needed to change version number
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Re: Problem with Joomsef and phoca gallery extension 13 years, 7 months ago #23230

Found a work around but not a good one because it requires modifiying a phoca gallery file

In components/com_phocagallery/views/detail/tmpl if you open the default.php

on line 27

.'<a href="#" onclick="'.$this->tmpl['detailwindowclose'].'">'.$this->item->linkimage.'</a>'

remove everything from the line but

This seems to only be a problem with the details view setting if you are using the photogallery and you are using no popup as the detail window.

This is a temporary fix but the fact remains that JoomSEF is still redirecting this improperly because when i turn off joomsef it works properly and will have the above url as

but with JoomSEF and the phocagallery extension for it, it will redirect the url as
Last Edit: 13 years, 7 months ago by jewilki1. Reason: typed wrong word
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