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Problem with JoomSEF 3 Extension
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TOPIC: Problem with JoomSEF 3 Extension

Problem with JoomSEF 3 Extension 15 years, 7 months ago #7487

I am a Joomla 1.5.12 a VirtueMart 1.1.3 user and I use ArtioSEF 3.3.2 with JoomSEF 3 Extension. However, I have problem with rewriting of the nonexistent url in VM. I have all the functions for rewriting 404 set and except for the VM they are working right. But in case of the nonexistent url in VM it allway redirects to the VirtueMart component and not to the homepage of the website. Can you help me where can I change the setting so that 404 will redirect to the homepage? In Artio JooSEF and Global Setting I have configured „Show page: Default 404 Page“ and I have the Default 404 Page ItemID turned on, but it does not work.

Thank you.

There is an example:
Functional url: (www.)

Non-functional url, which should be redirected: (www.)

My works with Artio: športové potreby, sexshop, erotické pomôcky, vibrátory, reality, byty, novostavby, pozemky, blog
Last Edit: 14 years, 11 months ago by Peterw.
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Re:Problem with JoomSEF 3 Extension 15 years, 6 months ago #7609

  • jaku

this may be related to where does your site default link target to. Is it com_virtuemart or other component?
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