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joomSef - sobi2 integration
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TOPIC: joomSef - sobi2 integration

joomSef - sobi2 integration 13 years, 9 months ago #22311

I tried joomSef (free version this morning) and I loved it.

Right after that I bought the jobi2 plugin and now I need to sort this problem out:
This is an example link (non-sef) that joomsef has modified on my site:

this turned into:

It is better already. But I would like to understand why I get "sobi2", "sobi2details" and those numbers instead of keywords there. Is it something I need to change in my sobi configuration?

If so, what is the issue?

Another little thing I noticed so far is that joomsef could not change the urls of my extended_reg module, but I sorted that out just putting in 3 custom urls. Now, I am not only able to edit the forgotten password url and don't know why.. I will have a look somewhere!


thanks vey much!
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Re: joomSef - sobi2 integration 13 years, 8 months ago #22634

  • jaku

make sure that JoomSEF is fully active - that means, that you have mod_rewrite set on in Joomla global configuration.

In Sobi2, additionaly check that all its own SEF features are off and that its (SOBI2's) cache has been cleared. (all levels)
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