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fatal error error message after installation
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TOPIC: fatal error error message after installation

fatal error error message after installation 15 years, 1 month ago #8835


i was buying JoomSEF. And i have some trouble with it, i hope you can help me.

1. I have a clean Joomla installation Version 1.5.14. On that i was installing your plugin JoomSEF. The installation was running fine, but when i go to my page i get the following error:

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'self' in /homepages/26/d193375463/htdocs/lte/components/com_sef/joomsef.php on line 1105

And i do not know what can be the problem. before running JoomSEF, Joomla was running fine.

2. In the administration Area from JoomSEF there is a button for Paid support but the link seems not correct. You should check that. So i hope iam in the right forum.

3. Is it possible to have the administration part in German?

I hope you can help me soon.

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Re:fatal error error message after installation 15 years, 1 month ago #8838

  • jaku

ad problem 1)
Most likely, you are still using PHP4.

JoomSEF already requires PHP5. I advice you to ask your hosting operator
to move your site to server, where PHP5 is used.
The Joomla in general, with next releases will only run on PHP 5.2.x or

At the moment, I would recomment you getting PHP 5.2.x on server.
(although 5.3.x is available, it is not the best choice at the moment)

ad problem 2)
ok, we will check it, thanks

ad problem 3)
well, we have no German translation available yet; it would be of course possible, if we find someone who would be willing to translate it :-); if you would be interested, we could provide you with some free license of paid version in exchange
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