Joomla Version 1.5.14
Artio 3.3.4
Seyret Video Directories Extension 2.0.0
This is how it goes, in order to get the upload videos page to work properly. You have to publish the video from the admin backend then visit the url yourself. If you don't visit the url yourself, the page and urls don't function properly, you basically get sent to the frontpage. So then you have to delete the url in the back end, then visit the url again, then it works fine.
But it's weird, when you use the add video function everything works fine. For some reason the upload function doesn't work properly.
I think the reason no one reported it yet is because everyone uses the add video button, because no one wants to host videos on their site because the large bandwidth usage.
If you're not familiar with the add video fucntion, it basically adds videos from 3rd person videos from youtube and gamertrailers etc...
Everything works fine on the extension except for the upload function.