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"This page doesn't exist" [fix-around]
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TOPIC: "This page doesn't exist" [fix-around]

"This page doesn't exist" [fix-around] 18 years, 3 months ago #863

RE: Error with front-page missing after successful install.

Requires some tweaking of components/com_content/content.php
Set your top-menu item to com_frontpage and modify this if statement in content.php:

// loads function for frontpage component
if ( $option == 'com_frontpage' ) {
//$cache->call( 'frontpage', $gid, $access, $pop, $id, $limit, $limitstart );
$cache->call('showBlogSection', 4, $gid, $access, $pop, 26, $limit, $limitstart );

Exchange the frontpage call with one of these calls from the case statements
below and modify the $gid and $id to reflect the page you wish to redirect it to.
Make sure the first parameter in the call reflects where you are directing it.

Hope this saves some time I lost =)<br><br>Post edited by: beardww, at: 2006/11/01 14:25

Re:&quot;This page doesn't exist&quot; [fix-around] 18 years, 3 months ago #872

  • mtif
  • Posts: 1
I found a really simple solution - but it may not work for all.

I love this component and have it on two sites. But one of them was throwing up the &quot;Page doesn't exist&quot; error whenever I went to index.php.

After a lot of examing I found a solution. In both cases I used static items in the main menu (they are small sites) and on one I had deleted out the frontpage item that got loaded by default by fantastico - on the other it was just unpublished.

So I replaced a frontpage item in the main menu (in position 1) and even though it wasn't published and didn't show Artio worked perfectly. I guess it set up to expect the frontpage - although I don't always use it.

I hope this helps someone :)
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