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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: Syntax Error

Re:Syntax Error 17 years, 10 months ago #1954

  • jaku

the .htaccess of yours looks just fine. (btw. you may also have both the parts for SEF uncommented - however logically, there should be no difference in functionality anyway)

As regards direct relation between JS and .htaccess, there should be none as .htaccess is at the server part (and is handled by Apache even before your php srcipts start to run) and JS is at the client side and start of the PHP script is done and your browser loads it.

However, the problem may be on some JS relying on URL of certain format, which may be different because of SEF being on.

Could you, please, post a link to your site, so we can check the problem live?

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team

Re:Syntax Error 17 years, 10 months ago #1955

Sure, it is obviously a site in development but the address is

htaccess is normal and SEF (core/joomsef) is not activated so you can see it without error

Let me know when you want me to change the htaccess file and activate SEF so the error shows.

Thanks for this, I'm really impressed

Re:Syntax Error 17 years, 10 months ago #1956

Hi james,

From looking at the source on the site in Firefox, I can see the following:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="modules/mod_fpslideshow/mod_fpslideshow.js"></script>

Please open your index.php file and remove that full line, and let me know if that resolves it. If not, I have a feeling the problem is to do with the fact that I can see many duplicate .js calls there.


Note: Visit my site, also under construction at in Internet Explorer, the site uses the .htaccess file as described in the installation guide for JoomSEF, and prior to me removing the conflicting .js call, was having the error you have, but now no longer have.<br><br>Post edited by: andyr2005, at: 2007/04/25 11:46

Re:Syntax Error 17 years, 10 months ago #1957

Hi Andrew,

The repeated calls to the .js files you mention shouldn't be a problem and in fact aren't showing issue (in IE or Firefox error console) when operating normally. I believe this is mainly because they are the same files (although in different places). The repeats will be removed before going live anyway as you would be right in saying it is silly having two sets of calls to the same files (prototype/moofx). If the files that were repeated had the same name but slightly different code then I might see errors in normal operation.

However, I will remove them and retest.

I will then hide each js file in turn (while the htaccess file is changed - it isn't at the moment) to see if I can identify one single culprit.

My guess is the same as Jan's in that I suspect a js file might be relying on the url somehow. Although it confuses me as I can replicate the error by changing the htaccess file and keeping the SEF (core and JoomSEF) deactivated. It doesn't make sense (which makes me think I'm missing something obvious - but then we are talking about IE)

I'll post results here...

Re:Syntax Error 17 years, 10 months ago #1958

Hi james,

The reason it is a problem, is the fact that fpslideshow is being used on your website as a Joomla module, and therefore, as part of the site initializing for a viewer, Joomla calls the mod_fpslideshow.js while it loads the module, and therefore doesn't need to be hardcoded into the template.

It may or may not sure as an error, to be honest, when I was having the problems, I never really checked the error console, I just delved straight back into the template to see what was going on.


Re:Syntax Error 17 years, 10 months ago #1959

Hi Andrew,

The file you mentioned &quot;mod_fpslideshow.js&quot; is not repeated and not hardcoded into the template. It is there because it is part of the module code inserted by Joomla when the module is called.

I really appreciate your input though and agree with what you are trying to say. I am so grateful to enthusiastic developers and just wish there were more! Great site by the way.

I have found the culprit line in the template code:

&lt;!-- Live Help International Copyright - All Rights Reserved //--&gt;
&lt;!-- BEGIN Live Help Messenger Code - Copyright - NOT PERMITTED TO MODIFY IMAGE MAP/CODE/LINKS //--&gt;
&lt;script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot; type=&quot;text/JavaScript&quot; src=&quot;/livehelp/include/javascript.php?;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;!-- END Live Help Messenger Code - Copyright - NOT PERMITTED TO MODIFY IMAGE MAP/CODE/LINKS //--&gt;

This code supports a live help system for my site. It means I can go back to them ( and let them solve the problem. I can also now buy the adware free version of JoomSEF and get moving!

Thanks for all your help (all those invloved) and I hope this thread manages to help others (if not with the exact solution - at least with the methodology of troubleshooting).

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