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NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF
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TOPIC: NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF

Re:NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF 18 years, 1 month ago #1417

  • taylorutah
I just upgraded and now get blank pages instead of redirects or 404 errors?

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Re:NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF 18 years, 1 month ago #1422

  • davidwhthomas
Hi Taylor,

Thanks for pointing that out.

It appears returning the 404 header can cause a blank page and override the redirect.

I've updated the package to return a "301 - Moved Permanently" by default.

If you're wanting to use Google Webmaster Tools and are trying to validate yourself as the owner of the site, edit 404_redirect.php and change the return code in the config settings at the top of the page.

At the moment, you can fix the error by editing 404_redirect.php and choosing the 301 return code in the config section at the top.

Just comment out (double slash) the 401 and remove the double slashes (uncomment) the 301 return code part.

I advise all current users of the new version to change the default return code to 301 in 404_redirect.php<br><br>Post edited by: davidwhthomas, at: 2007/01/31 19:51
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Re:NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF 18 years ago #1449

This might sound like a dumb question, but I just installed the latest version of the 404 redirect, but I'm not sure where exactly I stick the redirect code? I know it has to go somewhere in the 404 page code, but I'm not sure exactly where. Anybody know???

M.<br><br>Post edited by: Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript , at: 2007/02/03 17:17
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Re:NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF 18 years ago #1451

  • davidwhthomas
After you've installed and enabled the Add PHP mambot from:

You can paste the line :

{rdaddphp file=administrator/components/com_404_redirect/404_redirect.php}

Into your 404 file in Admin &gt; Artio JoomSef &gt; Artio JoomSef Configuration &gt; Default 404 Page

Paste the line of code in the WYSIWYG editor, it should say something like &quot;404 / Page Not Found ...etc...&quot;

Put the mambot code line in that box and save the config settings.

that should do it,


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Re: NEW! 404 Redirect Handler for Artio JoomSEF 13 years, 4 months ago #24583

is there any update for this or anything similar I could use?
I've been looking for a while but can't seem to find anything that's this simple ..

I do a weekly radio show and love it when people only need to enter my site url w/ the show number and it translates automatically to the long url including the show number ..

look what it goes to ..

so .. anyone?

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