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joomsef + virtuemart
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: joomsef + virtuemart

joomsef + virtuemart 15 years, 9 months ago #6150

Zdravím mám problém při konfiguraci joomsef a virtuemartu. Většina odkazů pro virtuemart mi vylejzá s koncovkou
.html?vmcchk=1 . jde to někde vypnout?, divné že na druhém webu to mám v pořádku, konfigurace jsou naprosto stejné...
web je (joomla 1,5,9 a joomsef ten nejnovější, virtuemart 1,1,3)

Re:joomsef + virtuemart 15 years, 9 months ago #6170

  • jaku
Toto je odvislé od nastavení ve VirtueMartu. JoomSEF tuto proměnnou standardně považuje za non-sef a tudíž ji připojuje za SEO URL.

Re:joomsef + virtuemart 15 years, 9 months ago #6213

Sorry, but what does this mean in English?

Re:joomsef + virtuemart 15 years, 9 months ago #6228

  • jaku

this means that vmcchk variable is by default considered by JoomSEF VirtueMart extension a non-sef one and thus it is being appended behind the SEO URL. This can be configured in VirtueMart extension settings.

Re:joomsef + virtuemart 15 years, 7 months ago #6982

  • jaku
Vmcchk is a variable added by VirtueMart and used for checking if cookies are enabled in users client agent.
You can disable this in VirtueMart Configuration / Core Setting / Enable the Cookie Check.
By disabling this, vmccchk will not be appended to URLs.
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