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Joomla + IIS + Joomsef
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: Joomla + IIS + Joomsef

Re:Joomla + IIS + Joomsef 17 years, 5 months ago #2571

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

these rules work for me:
RewriteCond Host:
RewriteCond URL .*(/|\.htm|\.php|\.html|/[^.?]*)(\?.*)?$
RewriteCond URL .*(?!.png|.gif|.jpg|.css|.js)(\?.*)?$
RewriteCond URL ^/joomla/(?!administrator).*
RewriteRule /joomla/([^?]*)(\?.*)? /joomla/index.php$5 [U,L]

You just need to change my /joomla to your Joomla's subdirectory or remove it comletely if your Joomla is in the root directory of your web server.

ARTIO Support Team

Re:Joomla + IIS + Joomsef 17 years, 5 months ago #2584

  • mxhz
  • Posts: 4
Hi, i recently paid fo support, and from wednesday no answer, I just want to know the progress to report my superior. Thanks

Re:Joomla + IIS + Joomsef 17 years, 4 months ago #2900

Hello you,
I'm very interested in your article, i'm having the same problem when try to configure JoomSEF on my joomla site.
My server runs helicon isapi rewrite, i have found very a lot of on the forums, joomla form, JoomSef forum, and google. I have tried with some rules that the guys posted on.
But my server only works with SEO Joomla core, after i enable JoomSEf, i have made the problem with the local files such as css, js...
The template of website cant load properly, i guess wrong path for resource files, such as javascript, images files, css files...
At the current, i'm using these rules for JoomSEF on my website

RewriteCond URL .*(/|\.htm|\.php|\.html|/[^.?]*)(\?.*)?$
RewriteCond URL .*(?!.png|.gif|.jpg|.css|.js)(\?.*)?$
RewriteCond URL ^/(?!administrator).*
RewriteRule /([^?]*)(\?.*)? /joomla/index.php$5 [U,L]

Please help me to resolve this problem, any one have ideas, please help me...

Best regards

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