thank you for a great component, I was very excited to get to work using it after I discovered its capabilities.
Nonetheless, maybe you can help me with one troubling area I am having. After I enable JoomSEF it seems to rewrite a number of my URL's and actually causes some issues with navigation.
For example prior to enabling i have a url that read (/national-coupons/all-coupon-codes), but once enabled it rewrites this url to (/all-coupon-codes). The problem is then created that I have a seperate template running on all the items associated with the (/national coupons) section. So because of the rewriting, many of my custom pages are losing the template they are supposed to have.
I have tried non-stop to "manage sef urls" and change them to exactly what I want, but that doesnt seem to do anything. I don't get it.
Please suggest my best course of action. I am happy to pay for the version to get paid support, but to this point I do not know if this can benefit me.