I've sent you a couple of emails about this but you haven't replied yet.
The 404 error logs are still causing errors in Joomsef.
Example (please anyone try this): (using title alias for URLs) I intend to make a page called dog.html but I hav NOT made that page yet, I am working on cats.html and put a static link to dogs.html on my cats.html page. Now I publish the cats page and click my dogs.html link, which of course makes a 404 error because I have not made the dogs page yet.
This is where the problem starts. When I DO make the dogs.html page the 404 error log created when I clicked the above link interferes with the creation of my new page URL, as if I already have a dogs.html when I do not, and it makes dogs2.html.
To fix this I have to delete the error log AND delete the dogs2.html log, which is ok for this one link - but if I have 10 people making links this way every week, creating a page and adding in the links to pages they haven't made yet, it causes a huge mess - do you understand what I'm saying?
I can't think of a way to explain it any simpler than that. It basically makes Joomsef unusable to me at the moment because I have lots of editors who want to make pages and don't have the time for them to keep going back and adding in links after new pages are created so they don't break Joomsef operations.
Like I said in my email I think you should make the 404 logs a seperate entity so they do NOT interfer with URL creation in any way or remove the 404 log function all together, which I don't mind because it serves no function to me whatsoever - just causes me a lot of work if I use Joomsef.
If you can fix this I will, as promised, donate $90 US towards Joomsef to become a sponsoring member.