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hwdvideoshare SEF
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Requests for new JoomSEF extensions. If you want better SEO options for your favourite component, which has no JoomSEF extension available yet, leave a message here.

TOPIC: hwdvideoshare SEF

Re: hwdvideoshare SEF 12 years, 11 months ago #29390

Is it possible that JoomSEF could interfere with other SEF products, like the System SEF for ex, or does it need it to work properly ?
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Re: hwdvideoshare SEF 12 years, 11 months ago #29391

Screenshot of the parameters for the hwdvideoshare extension
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Re: hwdvideoshare SEF 12 years, 11 months ago #29392

What is strange is that if I cllick on a category from the categories page of the website, it goes to the right category. The bug only happens when coming from the menus. It seems that in the menu, it does not transmit the id of the category, but only the gotocategory command.

As for the videos, the category doesn't append to the name in the format I would like : title

It does translate but only with title
Ex :
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Re: hwdvideoshare SEF 12 years, 11 months ago #29393

Attached is the JoomSEF config
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Re: hwdvideoshare SEF 12 years, 11 months ago #29394

These are the Artio plugins installed and published on my server :
- Content Artio JoomSEF
- Extension install - Artio JoomSEF
- System - Artio JoomSEF
- System - Artio JoomSEF Google analytics
- System Language - Artio JoomSEF

The onlu other SEF plugin is the System SEF plugin, which I have tried with or without and it doesn't seem to change anything.

Hope this helps you help me ;-)
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Re: hwdvideoshare SEF 12 years, 11 months ago #29438

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Thank you for all the informations. If there's a problem only with the menu links, it is probably caused by our extension not getting correct parameters from menu items. We'll check it and let you know.
The System - SEF plugin is not needed for JoomSEF, but it should be enabled, as it helps to find URLs to be translated to SEF on the website.
ARTIO Support Team
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