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hikashop wrong redirection
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TOPIC: hikashop wrong redirection

hikashop wrong redirection 10 years, 10 months ago #44087


Here are my site's features :
url : (GANDI-simple hosting)
Joomla 3.2.3
ARTIO JoomSEF 4.5.1, I have bought the hikashop extension for JoomSEF

The purpose of the site is to sell books about mountain and alpinism.

My main menu shows the different categories of books
1) collection "culture et montagne"
2) collection "Récits"
3) DVD

The SEF works well except in one case :

when I want to go back to my home page by clicking on the item of the menu "Livres et DVD", it shows just one of the category of products, instead of the three collections as it appears when I click on the logo, in the upper left corner.

I suppose that I have to parameter the hikashop extension for JoomSEF, but how ? It is not clear and I am afraid of making any "clumsiness".

Can you help me with this issue ?
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