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Menu alias's children creating duplicate URLs
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 4 (Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5+ compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: Menu alias's children creating duplicate URLs

Menu alias's children creating duplicate URLs 13 years, 3 months ago #25712


I have a website that's using JoomShopping (Version 3.2.7) and JoomSEF (Version 4.2.0).

In my main nav menu I have a link to the Shop (menu alias 'shop').

In my footer, I have a sitemap-style menu ("big footer menu"). At the top level I have an menu alias linking to the Shop , and as 'child' menu items within this, I have links to categories within the shop.

With JoomSEF turned on, the 'shop' menu alias works great (it links to, but the child menu items have the wrong URLs. They should go to (etc) but instead are at This is creating duplicate content (there is also a URL at with the same content) which Google isn't going to like.

Shouldn't this be changed so that the menu alias's children inherit the proper parent aliases?

Can you assist? Thanks!
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Re: Menu alias's children creating duplicate URLs 13 years, 3 months ago #25737

  • jaku
please, go to JoomSEF / Manage Extensions / JoomShopping and in the extension configuration, at Commnon tab, make sure to change the setting Use Menu Title to No. That will omit the first part of the URL that relates to the menu item name and will only use the category name.
After changing the setting you need to purge or update the already existing URLs and clean cache in order for the change to be effective.
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Re: Menu alias's children creating duplicate URLs 13 years, 3 months ago #25738

When you say to change the "Use Menu Title" setting to "no", do you mean the "Show Menu Title" setting?
If so, that didn't work.

What you've suggested isn't a a real solution to the problem anyway. I *do* want the menu titles showing in most cases -- I want them showing for all of the menu items except the aliases. It's only the aliases (and their children) that should be inheriting from the menu items they're based on. It makes sense that they should do this *because* they're aliases, doesn't it?
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Re: Menu alias's children creating duplicate URLs 13 years, 2 months ago #25791

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
In your Menu Manager in Joomla find the ID of the "Shop" menu item. Then open the Manage Extensions page in JoomSEF and open the JoomShopping extensions parameters. There on the Common tab set "Itemid handling" to "Override" and "Override Itemid" to the ID of your "Shop" menu item.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Menu alias's children creating duplicate URLs 13 years, 2 months ago #26497

  • Crispy Beef
Seems to be a similar problem going on here too...

Duplicate URL Components
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Re: Menu alias's children creating duplicate URLs 13 years, 2 months ago #26513

  • myharry
Hey support,

Is it difficult to accept that you have an issue (duplicated URLs) in the last release? At least tell us that you are working on it now. It will be enough.

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