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MAJOR problems, please help
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 4 (Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5+ compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: MAJOR problems, please help

MAJOR problems, please help 11 years, 4 months ago #41316

Hi there
I have been struggling no stop from late afternoon till early morning hours with this problem.
I have a J 2.5.14 site, latest SEF installed. The site has run for a long time without any problems. Today it started hanging when you want to load a page. It's a very big website, with many SEF urls. I am using cache, but I also noticed that suddenly none of the sef urls are cached anymore. (inside joomsef there is a cache tickbox) IF you try to connect to the site the browser just says: connecting and it hangs forver. There is nothing in the error logs. I did things like flushing, repairing and analyzing tables. It seemed like flushing worked, but soon when I started browsing around to other pages it started again. I am using the cachecleaner from nonumber, but have told it to bypass the joomsef cache folder. I purged the SEF URLS and generated sef urls again, but my joy was shortlived because it only worked for a while and then the site is hanging again. I don't know what to do, this is a big problem because the site has been on and off for tool long and terrible for business. please help somebody
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Re: MAJOR problems, please help 11 years, 4 months ago #41390

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

If SEF URLs are not cached, each URL on the page is queried from database which may be quite resource intensive. Try checking the server's load when browsing the site to see what exactly eats up the resources.
Is there any time limit for PHP scripts set? Usually it is 30 seconds, so if the loading takes more, there may be some other problem than with PHP.
I'm sorry, but it's quite difficult to help you more without knowing the website and access to it. If you're interested, we can check your website as a paid service.
ARTIO Support Team
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