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JoomSEF4 breaks Joomla 3.02 site with SQL error
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TOPIC: JoomSEF4 breaks Joomla 3.02 site with SQL error

JoomSEF4 breaks Joomla 3.02 site with SQL error 12 years, 1 month ago #35763

This has been posted in the community area previously:
Now paid/customer support

New J3.02 site, new host, no sample data, protostar, only one article page created for home page
No sample data = no contacts setup, no record in the contact_details table

SQL error on frontend with 404

Uninstalled free version, deleted .bak tables, reinstalled paid version (4)

Same error result

SQL=SELECT `id`, `alias` AS `name`, `catid`, `metakey`, `metadesc`, `metadata`, `language`,`misc` FROM `xxxxx_contact_details` WHERE `id` = 1-contact-us

Database Version 5.5.23-55
Database Collation utf8_general_ci
PHP Version 5.3.15
Web Server Apache
Safe Mode Off
Open basedir None
Display Errors On
Short Open Tags On
File Uploads On
Magic Quotes Off
Register Globals Off
Output Buffering Off
Session Save Path /tmp
Session Auto Start 0
XML Enabled Yes
Zlib Enabled Yes
Native ZIP Enabled Yes
Disabled Functions dl
Mbstring Enabled Yes
Last Edit: 12 years, 1 month ago by Champenois. Reason: more info
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Re: JoomSEF4 breaks Joomla 3.02 site with SQL error 12 years, 1 month ago #35771

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

I'm stil unable to reproduce the error on our test server. Could you please try to post all the steps you've taken during the Joomla installation and after it was installed? Thank you.

Also please try enabling the Debug System option in Joomla's Global Configuration, maybe you'll get some more detailed information about the SQL error.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: JoomSEF4 breaks Joomla 3.02 site with SQL error 12 years, 1 month ago #35779

ok, found it
I was setting up an article each time and linking it to the home page menu item
nothing else, even other extensions, bare bones install
so after sleeping on it, I looked closely at that article this morning
in it, there is embedded an old link (from a former site install)
<a href="index.php?option=com_contact&amp;view=contact&amp;catid=4&amp;id=1-contact-us&amp;Itemid=109">CONTACT us</a>
That's the problem

Why is JoomSEF running a non-existent SQL error on an out of date link and 404'ing the parent page?

This could happen at any time through backend article/contact etc deletions..

Obviously it wants to make an SEF link out of it, but isn't there a better way of handling this like ignoring it when a match can't be found? If it gets clicked on then a real 404 would occur.

Let's know and tks for the quick answers so far

Tks, John

I turned off "Display Errors" in php settings, just to be sure.
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Re: JoomSEF4 breaks Joomla 3.02 site with SQL error 12 years, 1 month ago #35790

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Great you've found the problem.

Yes, I already said in the old thread that we'll fix JoomSEF's code in next version to handle such URLs. Thank you for reporting the bug.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: JoomSEF4 breaks Joomla 3.02 site with SQL error 12 years, 1 month ago #35806

Yes, but your bug fix statement was so non-specific that we've wasted a lot of time before realising it was in the content due to the misleading error statement your program generated.

Not to mention the not-insignificant amount of $NZ45 to follow up on your comment that you could fix it if we paid.

This has come down to a poor user experience which deserves mentioning on the product's joomla extension page, so no-one else gets to waste their time.

Tks for the prompt replies anyway.
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Re: JoomSEF4 breaks Joomla 3.02 site with SQL error 12 years, 1 month ago #35820

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
I'm sorry that you feel it that way, but I think that my very first reply in the previous thread contains all the information:
It seems that there's a malformed link to a contact containing ID of "1-contact-us" somewhere on your website, which is not handled correctly by JoomSEF.
Thank you for your report, we'll fix our code in next version of JoomSEF to handle it correctly. In the meantime try to find the link and fix it - the ID and alias should be separated by a colon, so it should be "id=1:contact-us".

It says that:
1. There's a malformed link somewhere on your website
2. That we'll fix the bug in JoomSEF that causes JoomSEF not to handle it gracefully
3. That you should search your website for a link containing "1-contact-us"

And it's our standard procedure to offer a paid support if we can't reproduce the problem on our test servers, because that usually means that the problem is on our client's website and we can't fix those for free.

So from my point of view we've done everything we could to help you.

Anyway, I'm glad you got JoomSEF working on your website and I hope you'll like it.
ARTIO Support Team
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