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Joomsef 4.3.0 don't work custom non-SEF variables
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TOPIC: Joomsef 4.3.0 don't work custom non-SEF variables

Re: Joomsef 4.3.0 don't work custom non-SEF variables 12 years ago #36259

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
I've found out that the problem is caused by VirtueMart generating wrong URLs in the limit selection box (the one where you can select how many products are displayed on the page). For example:
<option value="/gardentools/?limit=2&amp;amp;limitstart=6">2</option>

Notice the amp;amp; part - there should be only one amp;. This causes problems when JoomSEF converts URLs to SEF.

So the correct solution would be if VirtueMart fixed that in their code. But of course this can happen in other components too, so JoomSEF will also handle these better in its next version.

I'm not sure whether older version of JoomSEF handled this differently as we never noticed it. If you want I can either provide you with older version of JoomSEF, or I can write you a simple guide to fix it directly in VirtueMart's code.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Joomsef 4.3.0 don't work custom non-SEF variables 12 years ago #36308

dajo wrote:
I can write you a simple guide to fix it directly in VirtueMart's code.

Yes, please!
And I report this to Max (Milbo) of Virtuemart Team

He fix in the passat other error ( )
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Re: Joomsef 4.3.0 don't work custom non-SEF variables 12 years ago #36359

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Ok, the fix needs to be applied in the /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmmodel.php file. Make sure to back it up before making any modifications to it!

1. Open the /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmmodel.php file in text editor
2. In class VmPagination find the function getLimitBox()
3. In that function between lines 699 and 710 there is the function JRoute::_() called multiple times, for example the following line:
$limits[]=JHtml::_('select.option', JRoute::_( $link.'&limit='. $items), $items);

4. Find every occurence of the JRoute::_() function call and add one parameter to it with value "false", so the line from previous step will become:
$limits[]=JHtml::_('select.option', JRoute::_( $link.'&limit='. $items, false), $items);

notice the ", false" being added inside the JRoute::_() function call

This should fix the multiple amp; problem.

The problem is that by default the JRoute::_() function already uses &amp; in the generated URL, but Joomla's JHTML::_('select.genericlist') function used later replaces the "&" character with another "&amp;".
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 12 years ago by dajo.
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Re: Joomsef 4.3.0 don't work custom non-SEF variables 12 years ago #36480

Hi dajo!
This THANKS are for you!
:) :)
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Re: Joomsef 4.3.0 don't work custom non-SEF variables 12 years ago #36481

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Great :)

We've also already made JoomSEF handle such malformed URLs, so the latest version of JoomSEF (4.3.2) should work correctly even without the fix in VirteMart.
ARTIO Support Team
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