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Duplicate URL problems
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TOPIC: Duplicate URL problems

Duplicate URL problems 11 years, 2 months ago #42114


I've been using Joomsef for some time, works great.

However, recently, I recently redesigned the site with a new template and introduced several modules.

The main component on my site is SobiPro which I am using as a places/location directory and it makes use of Geolocation modules (Radius search).

Modules for 1) "Places Near" (radius search) 2) "Latest Places" 3) "Latest Reviews" 4) Geofactory Google Map with markers with links to the places (entries).

The general structure of listings is Main Category > Subcat > Subcat > Listing Page

Joomsef has generated URL's perfectly until recently where it's started to generate URL's for places without any categories/subcategories attached.

E.g. The correct URL for "test bar" in Europe > United Kingdom > London > Soho > TEST BAR

Now I'll have that URL in addition to this as:

In some cases it's even generated URL's for one or the other and not both.

So the problems are duplicate content and sometimes content not existing with the correct URL at all.

The Latest Places, Nearest Places and Map Module - These naturally all contain hyperlinks to the listings they are displaying, these links don't contain the proper URL - They show the direct URL only, with no cats or subcats (e.g. same as the example I gave above -

I had someone look at this and he said he thought it was due to the modules (Latest Places, "Places Near" and map module) generating a PID of 1 and that was causing the problems. Unfortunately he's gone out of contact and I am stuck with a site with some 19000 URL's with these issues and I'm not sure what to do.

I am guessing that if I could "exlcude" these modules from being picked up by Joomsef it would fix the problem? Is this correct? If so, how can I do this?

I did some reading before posting this message and I noticed you state setting Exclude source info (Itemid) to NO may help - Setting this to NO causes problems with modules not appearing on pages.Ignore multiple sources (Itemids) is and always has been set to YES. Suffice to say I'm tried a few combinations and purged the URL's many times and not been able to fix this.

If someone could help me out I'd really appreciate it.
Last Edit: 11 years, 2 months ago by Battles.
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Re: Duplicate URL problems 11 years, 2 months ago #42174

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Re: Duplicate URL problems 11 years, 2 months ago #42202

To elaborate on this problem further.

At some expense I had a developer address the issue with the modules not rendering the URL's correctly. He corrected this, ensuring that the URL's in the modules generated the URL's with full categories and subcategories.

This hasn't fixed the problem.

After recrawling the site and looking at JoomSEF's logs here is an example:

Test Listing:

and then

Test Listing:

These are both the same listing.

Then looking in the crawl log:

Three URL's for the same listing, the last two shouldn't even exist.

The only modules that interact with SobiPro and show URL's have been modified - All other modules on the site don't have anything to do with SobiPro.

Really could use some help with this as I can't put the site back online until I understand what the problem is and how to fix.

Naturally each time I'm doing these crawls I'm clearing cache of Joomla and Joomsef etc. I've also gone as far as ripping out the canonical header code in SobiPro as I thought that might have been casuing issues.
Last Edit: 11 years, 2 months ago by Battles.
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