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custom hack to my urls
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TOPIC: custom hack to my urls

custom hack to my urls 13 years ago #28447

  • fefe
  • Posts: 18

I'm facing the following issue. I have jomsef installed and the p8pp bridge for phpbb3 integration. The problem is that the url structure is not able to show the category or forum title instead is jumping to the current item and thats how is differing from the breadcrumbs construction. Actually I could manually rewrite with jomsef all my wrong urls but speaking about a forum, in this case would tricky. Would be possible to hack the source in such a way that we take in our calculations some custom criterias to rewrite this links automatcially. I'm going to visualize this with an example:

forum->katze->krankheiten would be the rihgt url. right now I'm getting forum->krankheiten this one is wrong.

What I've been thinking about: if the jomsef sees this url:forum->krankeiten than automatically should rewrite to forum->katze->krankheiten. The reference point would be krankheiten.

I would really appreciate a feedback

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Re: custom hack to my urls 13 years ago #28504

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
What is the real non-SEF URL for those SEF URLs? Do you use any JoomSEF extension for p8pBB bridge?
I think the best solution would be to create or adjust an existing JoomSEF extension for it.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: custom hack to my urls 13 years ago #28509

  • fefe
  • Posts: 18

so the non sef url for the example above it looks: /?option=com_p8pbb&jview=forum&f=11&Itemid=165.

I was already thinking about to make a custom extension under site/components/com_sef/sef_ext

I created the xml file: com_p8pBB.xml
and the php file: com:p8pBB.php than I create the class class SefExt_com_p8pbb extends SefExt{}

the idea would be somehow to push in the urls the forums category title and all the subforums title. Do you have an idea what would be the best concept?

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Re: custom hack to my urls 13 years ago #28538

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
That's the correct approach.
Use the create(&$uri) function to convert non-SEF URL to SEF probably based on the jview= and f= variables. You can take eg. Content or free Kunena extension as inspiration:
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: custom hack to my urls 13 years ago #28565

  • fefe
  • Posts: 18

just a last question before I start to get in deep. What you advice, how should I debug my codes reffering to extension, because as I realised the var_dump is not going to work in this case or am I wrong?
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Re: custom hack to my urls 13 years ago #28577

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
You can use var_dump, just make sure that you delete the already existing URL in JoomSEFs URLs manager, otherwise your create() function in the extension won't get called.
ARTIO Support Team
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