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confict script with VM2.x
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TOPIC: confict script with VM2.x

confict script with VM2.x 12 years ago #36676

I bought JoomSEF 4.4.0, and the extension for virtuemart (version 3.0.10). When I active JoomSEF a conflict script does not load the list "State / Province / Region" in the user details (index.php? Option = com_virtuemart & view = user & layout = edit).
I have disabled all extensions, but the one that makes conflict is..just JoomSEF!
How can I remove the conflict?
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Re: confict script with VM2.x 12 years ago #36683

I read the post
Also in my site this behavior is not due to the enabling/disabling JoomSEF extension Virtuemart, but only for JoomSEF Extension 4.4.0.
"Using the Script ajax Countries / Regions" is checked in VirtueMart backend.
I tried to change the values ​​of "Set page base href value", deleting and regenerating-sef url, but the problem is still there:
Regions/States dropdown list does not autopopulate in VirtueMart frontend (i.e. the Regions/States dropdown list is empty).
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Re: confict script with VM2.x 12 years ago #36783

I solved by setting:
"Set page base href value: Yes - always use only base URL"
and ...
deleting the cache!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your attention
Last Edit: 12 years ago by buprestidae.
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