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Categories still showing, aliases not translated
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TOPIC: Categories still showing, aliases not translated

Categories still showing, aliases not translated 12 years, 1 month ago #35778


I have a multilingual site with Falang. I am also using the great Yireo Language Domains plugin to allow the English version of the site to be accesible through and the Swedish through

My first question is this: In the Content extension I have set "Add categories to URL" to "no", but my URL:s still look like this:

Not only are categories included, but in fact both English and Swedish ones are.

My second problem is that even though I've set
"Enable JoomSef language management" to "Yes"
"Language integration" to "Use different domains"
"Translate URLs" the aliases shown in the URL:s don't get translated.

For example: the URL should be (and actually without the category showing, as mentioned in the first question above).

Looking forward to getting this sorted and starting using your awesome component!

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Re: Categories still showing, aliases not translated 12 years, 1 month ago #35789

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Have you updated your SEF URLs after changing the settings for Content extension?

Translations should work with FaLang. Maybe there's an incompatibility with Yireo Language Domains plugin - JoomSEF can handle different domains for languages on its own. You already have the "Language integration" set to "Use different domains", so just also set your domains in the Domain configuration section and you're all set up.
ARTIO Support Team
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