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Cache links each time JRoute is called
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TOPIC: Cache links each time JRoute is called

Cache links each time JRoute is called 11 years, 9 months ago #38976


Order No. 30913 is using:
Joomla 1.5.25
JoomSEF 3.10.1
hwdVideoShare extension (up to date)

I've upgraded HwdVideoWall component which displays list of videos to use SEF links when the page is rendered, like:

I've achieved this using this code:
$jroute = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_hwdvideoshare&task=viewcategory&Itemid=".$hwd_vs_itemid."&cat_id=".$cat_id);
$code.= "<a href=\"".$jroute."\">";

The problem is that the wall is showing dozens of videos and it causes hundreds (!) of SQL requests to JoomSef url's table. This made Coverium extremely slow and almost dead on some pages.

I've checked JoomSef cache settings and set maximum number of pages to 1.000.000 and minimum number of clicks to 1. However this doesn't solve the problem as I need to make joomsef to cache link each time the page is rendered (JRoute is called) so that when the page is rendered for the first time - all sef links that it has used should go to cache. As our server has big RAM, this solution is acceptable and it will solve the problem.

1. Please assist me how can I make JoomSef cache links not only on clicks, but every time the page is rendered too. There is a topic at your forum regarding the solution but unfortunately, attached files can't be downloaded, so I'm still looking for solution:

Looks like there's no way I can configure Joomsef to achieve this affect, please offer me code change that will achieve this affect.

2. I want also try this approach: move all links from joomsef table in database to the joomsef cache each time application starts. I would also be happy if you suggest me a code change to test this approach.

I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience regarding solution to this 2 approaches.

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