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Menu heading sef url problem
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 4 (Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5+ compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: Menu heading sef url problem

Menu heading sef url problem 7 years, 11 months ago #48753


My SEF-Url solution like this:

Category SEF-url:

Article SEF-url:

Problem A:
There is a menu items to use "Menu Heading", and in this category has three subcategory, other category and article will like sef-url, but "menu heading" this, joomsef generate "" url, how to solve it.

Problem B:
When pagination use sef-url, "Page text" will display like 1st page is page-1.html, but into second page that change page-8.html (pre page items is 8), why? and how to fix it to display page-2.html

Problem C:
I open advanced option, and default enable "Be tolerant to trailing slash (yes)" and "Remove trailing slash (No)", but when i tpye my domain with slash, it will redirect to without slash domain, how to config it that keep slash.

Thank you for your help!
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