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Kep only alias of event in URL and no category
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TOPIC: Kep only alias of event in URL and no category

Kep only alias of event in URL and no category 9 years, 2 months ago #47200

I have a site with list events using ohanah component

I have about 30.000 events stored+
some of them have a category or lacation linked from different menu items, so the url is something like /menu-item1/myevent.html and /mennu-item2/myevent.html

same page, two urls to reach it.
I would like the evant url to be shown as simpy /myevent.html and not to show menu item alias

I have fiddled with item-id and "Ignore multiple sources (Itemids)" option... but no luck so far
maybe I am missing somthing or maybe is it something impossible to get?
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