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All menus selections result in same page displayed
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TOPIC: All menus selections result in same page displayed

All menus selections result in same page displayed 10 years, 5 months ago #45658

Hi, I am new to JoomSEO, so please be gentle.

I have installed without any errors and the first menu item, works brilliantly :) over the moon brilliantly.

But the next menu item produces the same page :( and the next and so on....

If I turn off JoomSEF, my menus work properly again. and all my content is available.

Not sure what to to tell you to help diagnose this issue or if it is common or whether I am special (unlucky).

I can tell you that the menu item type is: "Featured Articles"

and so is the other menu items (albeit they are selecting from different categories) but end up with the same page under JoomSEF.

I do have a different type of menu item on 1 of my menus, a link to calander...and this DOES WORK :)

I am running Joomla version info as follows;
Joomla! Version Joomla! 3.2.4 Stable [ Ember ] 30-April-2014 14:00 GMT
Joomla! Platform Version Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT

I am certainly genuine and ready to test and try whatever is necessary.
If JoomSEF can work on our menu item and articles, then I expect we will purchase a copy of JoomSEF.

Looking forward to hearing from anyone who can assist or even better, has had the same experience.

Thank you


Re: All menus selections result in same page displayed 10 years, 5 months ago #45660

Thank you for stopping to read about my problem.

I would like to add the following information so that you can have a better understanding of my installation;

In Global Config;
- SEF url is set to YES. Apache mod_rewrite is configured and working and .htaccess file is in place and working
- use URL rewriting also set to yes

So, without JoomSEF installed, I actually have neat and tidy SEF urls which work correctly from the menu BUT when I drill down to an article, it throws up the nasty category ID and article ID. I do not want these numbers displayed in my urls.

So, I decided to create a custom URL in JoomSEF. Seemed like a good idea and it worked for that menu item. HOWEVER every other menu item that is displaying either Featured Item(s) is now displaying the custom URL.

I do not get this... the JoomSEF appears to be solid (no errors) but this behavior is driving me crazy.
Other types of menu items (maps, admin, login etc) are uneffected....

Why would all menu items which display *** featured items *** be affected like this?

I am sure there is probably a very simple solution but I just cant seem to see it.

Any help, suggestions, most welcome.


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