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Write extension sef_ext estateagent. No var $id
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TOPIC: Write extension sef_ext estateagent. No var $id

Write extension sef_ext estateagent. No var $id 18 years ago #1425

Hi guys,

i write an extension for the component misterestate / estateagent, So, that every Item has their titlename in the uri.

I will publish it here, when it´s ready.

The original link is like:


My extension works, but the id in the translated URI is everytime 1, and the uri shows only the title of the first item, but the intern translation works for every item.

That´s part of it:

$title = array();
$id = true;
if (isset($id)) {
$query = \"
SELECT `title`
FROM `jos_estateagent`
WHERE `id` = $id\";
$name = $database->loadResult();
$title[] = 'expose';
$title[] = '/' . $name;

The rewrite link looks everytime like this one:

because in the database \"apartement\" is the title with \"id 1\"

So, where is my fault? In the administration, there is the component configuration for the estate component: com_estateagent SKIP, CACHE, DEFAULT.

Only with default, my extension works, is that correct?

Why is the id recognized only as 1 for every link?

Soory `bout my bad english:-)

kind regards
Last Edit: 17 years, 2 months ago by miun.

Re:Write extension sef_ext estateagent. No var $id 18 years ago #1427

Ok, found the solution.

$query = "
SELECT `title`
FROM `jos_estateagent`
WHERE `id` = " . $vars['id'] . "";
$name = $database->loadResult();


Re:Write extension sef_ext estateagent. No var $id 18 years ago #1435

For joomsef support of MisterEstate / estateagent, i wrote an joomsef extension. It is easy to change and manipulate.

There has to be a little modification in a estateagent file for the search function when you use joomsef.

estateagent.php at row 112

echo \" | \"._EA_FASTSEARCH.\"\";
change to
echo \" | \"._EA_FASTSEARCH.\"\";

Install the extension with the joomsef extension manager.

You can download it here

I hope Artio will implement it in future releases.

kind regards

Post ge�ndert von: RaceRay, am: 02/02/2007 17:32
Last Edit: 17 years, 2 months ago by miun.

Re:Write extension sef_ext estateagent. No var $id 17 years, 6 months ago #2986

Hi Rene,

i have one extremely newbie question.You have written this piece of code as a solution , but where should I put it.

Best Regards

Re:Write extension sef_ext estateagent. No var $id 17 years, 6 months ago #2988

Hello Nikola,

just put the php files in the sef_ext directory of your joomsef installation.

Very easy!


Re:Write extension sef_ext estateagent. No var $id 17 years, 2 months ago #3531

  • maecia
Hello everybody,

I have a bug when i use artio joomsef +plugin to sef the misterestate properties.

non SEF url : index.php?option=com_estateagent&act=object&id=5&limit=5&limitstart=0&task=showEO
SEF url : immobilier/bureaux-commerces/boutique-de-44m2-paris-8eme


non SEF url : index.php?option=com_estateagent&act=object&id=5&task=showEO
SEF url : immobilier/bureaux-commerces/boutique-de-44m2-paris-8eme-2

That's the same for all my properties....

It seems that joomsef find two ways to reach properties pages. I know that Google will not penalize for duplicate content because i've got a sitemap.

But in my sitemap that's the wrong url's indexed....... :(

Does anybody have the same problem ?!
Thanks !
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