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Virtuemart problem with 1.42
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TOPIC: Virtuemart problem with 1.42

Virtuemart problem with 1.42 17 years, 10 months ago #1867

I have the following problem.

Joomsef give my products the extensions -2 for all those products listed in my top 10 sales (module mod_virtuemart_topten)

this wasnt the case with 1.40 version.

Anyone know? Maybe there is a new option in the configuration which is turned on now? and should be off?

I upgraded from 1.40 to 1.42 using the replacement of the upgrade.php and upgraded it.

please help me out!

Re:Virtuemart problem with 1.42 17 years, 10 months ago #1889

I have the same problem with the "Latest Products" module.

This is a massive SE issue and is causing duplicate content, killing my site.

Have messed around with the configuration settings and cannot remove this problem.

Product links in the latest module have xxxxx/productname.html
Product links from the category/section witthin my shop have xxxxx/productname-2.html

Both link to the same page and trigger duplicate content errors.

Can somebody please advise a fix for this quickly.

Re:Virtuemart problem with 1.42 17 years, 10 months ago #1890

I have confirmed my settings with the manual and still it fails to resolve. I have purged all previous URLs and checked they were removed from the MySQL database after setting were made.

So with no URLs in the table and these settings it fails, however the manual as descirbed below suggest that the duplicate URL should go away. Have I read / set it wrong ?

Exclude source info (Itemid) = Yes
Reappend source (Itemid) = No
Append non-SEF variables to URL = Yes

If you are facing duplicate content items links e.g.,, etc. that lead to the same content, this is most probably caused
by so called “Itemid” variable (although there may be other reasons also).
The Itemid is internal Joomla! variable used to identify the source of a URL link. E.g. main menu
or sub menu item that your visitor used to get to a certain content. According to this variable,
different Joomla! configurations are applied - e.g. what template will be used or what modules
will be visible, etc.
Since JoomSEF 1.4.0, several new configuration options are provided in “Advanced
configuration” section. The option “Exclude source info” may be used to exclude the Itemid
variable from the URL and thus eliminate the duplicates caused by it. However, ignoring it
completely may lead to unwanted Joomla! functionality, like not swithing the templates as desired
or so. Whether this will be a problem for you or not depends mainly on the way how your site is
designed and how complicated it is. If you need to fix this, the Itemid should be “reappended” o
the SEF URL as an extra part using the option “Reappend

Re:Virtuemart problem with 1.42 17 years, 10 months ago #1925

  • jirka

to help us solve this for you, please post here your URLs.

1. the original URL such as: yoursite.xy/product
2. the "duplicate" URL such as: yoursite.xy/product-2

3. the non-SEF version for #1: e.g. yoursite.xy/index.php?option=com_virtue...
4. the non-SEF version for #2: e.g. yoursite.xy/index.php?option=com_virtue...

The non-SEF URLs you will find when checking the URL table in JoomSEF Control Panel.

Basically, the solution is that we have to check the non-SEF versions of the URLs and find the differences - they have to e different if they have different SEF version. To get rid of the duplicity, the difference then needs to be ignored. That how may or may not be possible without affecting some functionality.

Usually the difference here is the Itemid, but if you have configured your site based on the instructions as pasted above, that should be ignored than. That either means that there is another difference still or that it did not work as it should.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team

Re:Virtuemart problem with 1.42 & 1.4.3 17 years, 10 months ago #1934


Thankyou for responding.

Here are the URLs:



PRODUCT - duplicate URL


Duplicates seem to be generated as products go into the virutmeart random product module.

Both URLS point to the same page - just the manufacturer and product id are in differenet positions ?

Let me know if you require more details. Looks like a problem with the JoomSEF Virtuemart extension ?



Post edited by: NiSiWi, at: 2007/04/25 08:49<br><br>Post edited by: NiSiWi, at: 2007/04/25 08:58

Re:Virtuemart problem with 1.42 &amp; 1.4.3 17 years, 10 months ago #1951

  • jaku

yes, you are right, the problem is definatelly the different positions of variables in URL.
However, JoomSEF works so that it has defined internal ordering of the variables and this should not matter...

...unless you generated one link with certain JoomSEF version and another with newer version. Please. try to delete both these links, let JoomSEF regenerate them and check if this problem will appear again.

Btw. in your case, the first link is as it should be, the second is wrong (wrong variable order).

If the problem reappears, then we will have to check why the ordering is different even though it should not be.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team<br><br>Post edited by: jan, at: 2007/04/25 10:09
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